f o u r t e e n (rewriting)

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"Are you done checking me out?"

Kylie River

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean your face, what happened to your face ?" I repeated walking closer to him.

"Oh, this." He touched his cheek.

"It's nothing."

"Did Dray did this to you ?" I asked straight away.

I knew it has been Dray. It was obvious.

Ashley told me about how Dray beat up someone. But I would have never thought it would've been Tom.

Why does he hate Tom so much?

"How do you know ?" He asked as his eyes widened.

"Do you think I am stupid, Tom? Dray looks exactly the same." I pressed my palms against my head as I sat down on my desk.

I was so done with all of this.

Dray should stay out of my life.

I was so mad at him. Tom had never done anything wrong.

"I told him that he should stay away from you."

He turned around and looked out of the window again.


"Are you serious? I want to keep you safe. That's why!" Tom said frustrated as he walked over to me.

"You know he's not good for you and you're still falling for him."

"There is nothing between us anymore," I said calmly as I looked down at my hands.

"Yeah right y-"

"No. This time I mean it. We've talked."

And kissed.

"And we will stay away from each other. I have told him that. I wanted to apologize to you. I didn't know what was wrong with me that night. I was just completely confused. It wasn't your fault. The date was great! I enjoyed it." I gave him a slight smile, as I looked at him again.

"It's okay Kylie. Don't worry." He smiled back.

"Let's take it slow. We can get to know each other better and see what's going to happen. I know, the whole date situation was going a little bit too fast."

"Sounds good for me." I smiled walking over to hug him.

Tom was my friend. I missed him. And I wanted to give us another chance.

As we pulled out of the hug voices heard loud and steps coming from the hallway.

I gave Tom a confused look as I glanced at my door.

Suddenly the door was slammed open and Ashley strutted inside, almost falling over my plant.

"Oh god sorry, this stupid bodyguard wouldn't let me in," she said as she closed the door behind her.

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