f o u r t y - t w o (rewriting)

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Dray Ville

I kissed her scalp and slowly ran my fingers through her hair, while she slept on my chest.

I know that she's still thinking about Dylan. She can't get him out of her head and she won't, until he's locked up forever. I know that.

I talked to Tyler after Ashley went back home and Kylie fell asleep on the couch. The whole thing is draining her and I know that. Its draining her mentally and physically and it makes me so mad that I can't do anything to make her feel better.

We still need to find him. I promised her that everything will be good. That everything will turn out to be better.

I don't know if I can ever say that out loud but I want to have a family with her. I want her to be the mother of my children, because she is the one I want to spend my whole life with.

I would never forgive me if something bad happened to her.

I laid my hand onto her waist and slowly closed my eyes while I felt her heart beat against my skin.

Kylie River

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt the sun shining into my face.

I looked up noticing big hands wrapped around my body and smiled when I saw Drays mouth being slightly opened while he slept. I brushed the black hair out of his face and bent over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Dray completely changed in the last few months. If I would compare him now and him in the beginning of our relationship, I wouldn't even consider them being the same person. I am more than proud of him. Not only for opening up to me but also for staying with me. Trying to get along with my friends without being jealous or mad. I know that he tries his best to stay calm even though the thing with Dylan is stressing him out as well.

I stood up and laid his hands back down onto the bed as slowly as I could just to let him sleep a little bit longer. It's Monday and I have to get back to work.

"What are you doing?2 I heard him mumble while he turned to the side to glance at me.

"Work." I answered and made my way to the bathroom when I heard his voice again.

"Kylie, relax. You don't have to go to work. I took us a few days off. Now come back to bed." He smiled and reached out his hand to me.

"Why?"I asked and placed my palms onto my hips.

I am not mad. Maybe that's even a good opportunity to calm down and think about what to do next. But I am surprised.

"Because you need to have some time for yourself and stop thinking about other things for once. And I want you to spend time with me of course." He smirked and I walked back to him to sit down beside him.

I chuckled softly and sighed as I looked up at the ceiling.

"Kylie. Stop thinking about Dylan. You know that he wont come back and-"

"How do you know that?" I asked slowly raising my voice.

"Dray you aren't me. You don't know how I feel and I cant stop thinking about him when he's still out there."

How can he be so calm about this? They don't even know if he left the city and they can't control if he comes back or not.

"I've got my people for this. They will inform me whether he comes back or no-"

"Dray thats not the point!" I said furious and stood up.

He still doesn't understand. No one does.

"Then whats the point?" He also stood up and gave me a confused look.

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