t h i r t y - n i n e (rewriting)

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Kylie River

What does he want from me? I don't got any time for this.

I looked over to the couple and saw their disappointed facial expressions so I decided to concentrate on the dinner.

I placed my phone back into my pocket. I will answer later.

But the phone wouldn't stop vibrating. God Tyler won't give up.

Ashley and Dylan were talking and checking out the Menu while I turned around placing the phone onto my ear.

"What do you want Tyler? I'm having dinner."I whispered trying not to gain the couple's attention.

"I need to talk to you, right now." He answered and I felt a weird feeling in my stomach as I heard the aggressive tone in his voice.

Why are they all acting so weird all of sudden? First Dray and now Tyler? What happened?

"Tyler where are you, I can't talk," I whispered and turned around to find Ashley and Dylan still talking, not paying any attention to me.

"I'm in front of your Restaurant."

"You are what? Tyler, did Dray told you anything?" I asked furiously. "I can't come out right now."

I heard him let out a heavy sigh and I could picture him running his hand through his hair.

It sounds important but why can't he wait?
I promised Ashley that this would be a great evening and now I am the one ruining it.

"Fine. Then I'm coming inside."

"Tyler you can-" I tried to stop him but I couldn't finish my sentence as I saw him already walking straight towards our table.

My mouth started feeling really dry and I didn't know what to say or how to explain everything. I looked over to Ashley who noticed my sudden change of facial expressions and looked into the direction Tyler was coming from.

Fuck what should I tell Ashley now? I don't even know what's happening either.

Tyler didn't look happy at all. He walked straight towards Dylan and I could see him furrowing his eyebrows as he sat down on the chair next to me.

Ashley gave me a confused look and I looked down on my plate not knowing what to say.
God damn it, why couldn't he wait?

No one said anything and I felt the uncomfortable silence spreading around until Ashley raised her voice.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" She asked and I could see her eyes switching between him and me.

I shook my head and gave her an "I don't know what's going on either look" as I saw her raising an eyebrow while resting her hands in her arms.

"Dray asked me if I could be here to "replace" him, cause he can't be here right now. I hope that's not a big deal." Tyler said and I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

I tried to study his face. The corners of his mouth were twitching and I could see him clenching his jaw.

"Oh yeah eh s-sure," Ashley said slightly confused while swallowing deeply.

I just wanted to sink into the ground and never come back again.

Dylan stayed quiet and we just sat there in silence while the waitress brought us our food.

When did Dray talk to him and why?

I had so many questions and I couldn't wait to finally get out of this restaurant and talk to him.

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