t h i r t y (rewriting)

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"New Boss"

Kylie River

Without running into anyone, I came to my office and went inside.

I was glad I didn't meet anyone, well no one except Tyler. I really couldn't have used any more stress.

I was pretty early. Much earlier than the actual time I should be here. The other employees probably weren't even there yet.

I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. Maybe things would change for the better now.

I sat in my chair and took out my materials. I wanted to start working right away because I had a lot of catching up.

I missed working on new things and at least having something to do. I knew I should rest, but sitting around at home didn't do me much better either.

It was harder to get out of bed when you had been in it all day than when you had moved at least a little.

Fortunately, I had brought all of my things to the office last week so I didn't have to add anything new here.

Last week, when the elevator door opened and I saw Dray in front of me, my blood froze in my veins.

It was the first time I saw him again and when I looked into his face I could see that he was really worried. But I don't play along anymore.

Someone so worried doesn't just leave someone behind, so I didn't see the only decency in being nice to him.

I didn't care, just as he didn't care.

Before I could turn on my computer, I heard a light knock on the door and called out an insecure "Come in".

I was afraid that it would be someone who would only stress me more. A visit from Dray would not fit into my stress-free day.

But to my surprise, Taila, Dray's secretary stood in the door frame.

Taila smiled at me and ran up to hug me.

It was a light hug but I know that Taila is not the type of person who particularly likes to show emotions so I was really happy about such a gesture.

"I'm glad you're back Kylie." She said and pulled away from me while she continued smiling.

"I'm happy too. You won't believe me but I missed this place." I laughed and she laughed too.

"Yes, you're right. This place really has something, doesn't it?" She said, looking out of the big windows straight out at all of the huge New York buildings.

I nodded and followed her gaze until I heard her talk again.

"Well, I should tell you something from Mr. Ville." She said and stood in front of the desk again.

I noticed how my rib cage began to lower up and down faster and how I swallowed deeply.

Please don't be something bad. Please don't be something bad.

I didn't feel like having a private conversation with him. If he wants to talk to me again no, I don't want to.

"In 1 hour there is a meeting in the big room I think the number is 230. You should come too. The Ville family wants to announce something important." Taila said as she walked back to the door frame.

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