n i n e (rewriting)

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"Sit down"

Kylie Rivera

After a few drinks, I slowly felt myself loosening up.

I knew the drinking would have consequences tomorrow, but it was nice to be able to forget everything.

At least for one night.

"I can't believe you did that", I laughed.

"You should have seen the guy's face", Dray grinned as he took a sip of his drink.

Dray had moved a lot closer to me and was telling me a story from his college time.

I never thought that I could have fun with him. Laugh with him.

It almost felt like a friendship.

The only problem is, we aren't friends.

And we will never be.

"You know, Tom is an asshole," Dray said and poured himself another drink.

"And I can't understand, why you're still defending him." he looked up and looked me in the eyes.

I sighed.

I didn't want to start that conversation again so I decided to change the subject.

"Who was the blonde girl?" I asked, leaning back as I ran my finger over the rim of the glass.

I looked away.

"A friend."He glanced at me.

"Ah," I answered and put the glass on the table.

"Jealous?" he smiled and did the same.

I leaned over to him.

"No way."

I got up and walked to the bar.

I could feel his eyes on my body as I walked over to the kitchen.

I was hungry.

"Do you have something to eat ?" I asked and opened the fridge.

I was in my boss's apartment and used his fridge. What was wrong with me? The alcohol seemed to reveal its effects.

I heard Dray sigh as he walked over to me.

„Sit down." he pushed me away and pointed on one of the bar stools

I watched him, as he started to take something out of the fridge.

His black hair was all messed up and I could see his arm muscles under the black T-shirt.

He was so attractive.

The tattoo on his left arm only made him look better.


I couldn't fall for him. No matter how hot he was, I had to keep my distance from him.

"What? Never seen a man cooking?" He asked as he raised one eyebrow.

"I did. I just didn't think that you can cook. Especially not for me"  I said and grinned.

He just shook his head and laughed.

His laugh filled the whole room.

For the first time, I felt comfortable in his presence.


I knew that we would never be a thing. He was too cold to express his feelings.

When I met him in the club for the first time, I knew he was a difficult person.

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