f o u r t y - f o u r (rewriting)

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Tyler Carter

We were slowly driving after Ruby with a certain distance so that she wouldn't notice us behind her. I am 99% that the name on her Display was Dylan and that isn't a coincidence. She has something to do with Kylie and the whole Dylan situation and I know it. Ashley knows it too.

She never liked Kylie and always tried to talk bad about her or spread rumors about her so that everyone would hate her as much as she did. I never believed them and I never understood why Ruby was always so pissed about Kylie. She never did anything bad.

"Turn left!" Ashley explained as I saw a small path which was leading into a small forest.

What does Ruby want here?

We kept our distance and we saw Ruby leaving her car as she started to call someone walking even further into the forest. We slowly left the car and followed her until we could listen to her conversation and what she was talking about.

A forest? Dylan? That couldn't mean anything good.

She had a criminal past and I knew that but we always thought she got better. I guess she didn't but she had always been one of my best friends and I cant figure out why she should've something to do with this.

Ashley walked closer and we hid behind a tree as we listened to the conversation she had with someone. Probably Dylan.

"Yes. Leyla prepared everything Kylie just needs to get there. - Yes tonight Dylan.- No stay where you are I will be there as soon as I can.- This is a good plan trust me, I've done this multiple times. "

Ashleys mouth stood wide open as she watched me and I immeediately knew whats going on.

We ran back to the car and we didn't said anything for a moment. I could only hear our heavy breaths until Ashley finally raised her voice.

"Fast! Call them! Kylie cant meet up with Leyla." She said furious and placed her head into her hands as she saw me taking out my phone.

Red. Red. Red.

"Fuck. My phone battery. No,no,no." I muttered as I tried to turn it on but nothing.

I just saw myself in the black screen as I saw Ashleys hands shaking beside me.

"Drive! We need to get to them!"

Kylie River

I buried my head into his chest as we watched the city lights out of the big windows of Drays apartment.

"You know what my mother wanted to name me at first?" I asked him and he chuckled while shaking his head softly.

"I have no clue." He answered smiling while placing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Audelia. I always thought thats a beautiful name though." He stopped touching me and just stared down at me while he placed my chin into his fingers.

"Thats what our daughter will be called then." He smirked and smiled against my lips as he kissed me passionately. I got onto his lap and placed my hands behind his neck while I kissed him back.

Just as he wanted to kiss my neck I heard my cell phone ring and Dray groaned into my neck.

I let out a small laugh and walked to the kitchen to get my phone. I heard Dray complain in the living room and I chuckled but went back to him to see who has texted me.


Hey, do you wanna meet up with me now? I will send you the address!

I read Leyla's message out loud and stared at Dray who just gave me a confused look.

"I think I will go there now." I sighed. "I want to solve things with her, I mean she was my Best Friend.W I started putting on my sneakers and watched Dray as he joined me.

"I will come with you."

Ashley Parkins

We run upstairs and knocked on the door but there was no answer. 

"Wait I got a second key, Dray made it for me if anything happens." Tyler explained and took a small key out of his pocket.

He opened the door and I slammed it open but I couldn't see Dray and Kylie anywhere.

"Fuck they're gone. Quick call them." I nearly screamed and handed him Drays phone which was laying on the table.

"Please pick up please." I muttered as I saw Tyler heavy breathings and sweaty hands grabbing my phone.

"FUCK KYLIE PICK UP." He screamed into the phone and I saw his fist hit the wall.

Kylie River

We walked into a small apartment and saw Leyla sitting on a couch as she gave me a soft smile but her smile immiedetaly faded as soon as she saw Dray coming up behind me.

"Oh hey, I see you brought your Boyfriend with you." She said and I could already hear the disgust in her voice. This whole situation is already uncomfortable enough and I know I am not going to stay here for much longer.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" I asked and took Drays hand into mine.

"No not at all." She smiled and I looked over to Dray who looked just as confused as I was.

I saw my phone vibrating and saw Tylers name appearing on the display but as soon as I tried to pick up I heard Leyla's voice in front of me again.

"You know Kylie we had planned this for a long time." She said as a devilish smirked curled up her lips.

"We? What do you mean?" I asked and slowly felt the fear spreading around my body.


Suddenly I felt a strong hand grabbing my head and pressing a cloth against my mouth. I tried to get away but I felt Dray hand slowly letting go of mine until I passed out onto the ground.

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