t w e n t y - e i g h t (rewriting)

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Dray Ville

I looked at the desk in front of me grabbing some papers out of the shelf.

I haven't been here for a long time.

For the past 4 weeks, I've only been working from home. Now I am back in my office.

I looked around and let out a heavy sigh before falling into my chair.

I had no motivation to work. I said I would work from home, but I didn't do much either.

I heard that Kylie would be going back to work in about one week.

I was thinking about her the whole time.
I haven't seen her once since the incident.
She stayed away from me.

I heard that she got back to New York a week ago. After everything that has happened, I understand that she's trying to stay away from me.

I left her. I wasn't with her when she woke up.

I'm sure Tom told her everything.

She probably won't even know that I had found her. I can still see her lifeless body before my eyes. I thought that was it, I thought I would never see her again.

But I knew that if she survived I would have to leave her alone. I would have to stay away from her.

There was another reason why I flew away.
I didn't want to leave. Quite the opposite.
I wanted to be with her, never let her out of my sight again. Take care of her, be there for her, but I couldn't.

There is a reason. But I can't tell her.
At least for now.

I don't know if she will ever talk to me again. As I said, I can't blame her. I just hope she's safe. I wish I could give her the security she needs.

She changed something in my life. I just don't know what it is.

After Tom told me that she was alive, I was facilitated. I don't think I've ever felt so happy.

I knew, that now that she was awake I couldn't talk to her about us. I had to stay away from her and that's why I flew away.

Without her.

She should hate me. Presumably, she does.

But there's a reason for everything I do. It's all just for her safety.

I don't know why she did it. I know I hurt her and said things that I didn't mean, but was that the trigger for all of this?

I am sure it wasn't.

I want to talk to her, explain why I tried to stay away from her as much as possible in the last few weeks, ask her why she had given up, why she wanted to give up all of this.

I packed my things and took the first plane straight back to New York.

My mother was surprised that I came back so quickly.

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