s e v e n (rewriting)

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"I warned you."

Kylie River

It's been two days since Tom asked me about the date. We hadn't spoken to each other since.

I was a little bit nervous.

What if he had changed his mind about the whole thing.

I tried to suppress these thoughts.

He was the one, who asked me out. Why did I worry about it?

I was just opening the door to my apartment when I heard my phone ringing.

I just got home, from another pretty hard day at work.

Dray and I hadn't exchanged a word since the car incident, which was fine with me, but somehow he behaved quite differently in the last few days.

Sort of angry?

I wasn't exactly sure, but he kept giving me more tasks, which I needed to work on all day.

I also haven't seen Ruby, ​​since her scene at Ashley's house.

Ashley and I spoke almost every day. I felt so connected to her. She had become an important person in my life, even though I only knew her for such a short time.

I locked the door to my apartment and put the keys on the table.

After I had dressed into more comfortable clothes, I let myself fall on the couch. I took my phone out and checked, who I got a text from.

I was so done with work and just hoped that it wouldn't be another mail from Belle Ville with just more tasks, for me to finish.

To my surprise, it was Tom's name that appeared on my screen.

"Please meet me on Saturday at 6 p.m. in front of the building. (;"

I couldn't help but smile when I saw his message. He was planning a surprise.

But there was one problem.

Every time I thought about my relationship with Tom, I couldn't help but think of Dray.

I wanted to forget him, everything that happened between us. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy.

I hadn't told Tom anything.

Neither about the situation in the car nor the office. I don't want to hurt him. Besides, I wasn't even sure, whether I felt something for Dray or not.

He can have any girl. Why does he have to torture me, with his games?

Was it because I wasn't searching for his attention? Tried to stay away from him?

I buried my head into my hands.

I was so confused about everything.

Dray Ville

I had to talk to Tom.

I knew she wouldn't stop talking to him, so I decided to taker the matters into my own hands.

With the help of my secretary, I'd found his working place and find out about him being a photographer.

Completely ridiculous job, if you ask me.

I didn't know why it was so important for me to keep Kylie away from him. I knew he wanted to be with her and the thought of seeing them together, made me go sick.

Kylie was confident enough to stand against me and stay away from me. It just made me go crazy, that she was the first girl, who didn't let me wrap her around my finger. She was too smart for that.

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