t h i r t y - f i v e (rewriting)

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This chapter is dedicated to yallimhorny 1aalejandraa1

"No problem, Darling"

Kylie River

I was sitting at one of the small tables in a tiny restaurant waiting for Ashley.

After the night I spend with Dray she asked me about everything and we decided to meet and I would just tell her about everything.

The night with Dray was incredible. I didn't think I would ever have such much fun with him.

I saw him in a completely different light now after I knew what happened in his childhood.

I just didn't know how it would go on now.

I hope he won't ignore me again and fuck up everything we had that night.

But it felt right. The night with him felt right. Everything felt right.

I knew it was the right decision to tell him about that night, it made me feel less alone with it. I didn't have to go through this alone anymore.

I poked around in my coffee and looked up to see Ashley standing in front of me, completely out of breath.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, Dylan wanted to meet me." She said and I couldn't help but smile.

Ashley's been seeing this one guy named Dylan lately. She had met him while working in the library and the two of them immediately got on the same terms. Whenever she talks about him, she starts smiling and her face lights up.

I am happy for her. I'm glad that she's finally happy.

I had never really met Dylan myself, but Ashley always says he's very busy and she would introduce him to me soon.

"Ohh," I said with a smile as I took a little sip of my coffee and winked at her.

"He just wanted to pick up his watch that he forgot the last time." She said, scratching the back of her neck as she sat down next to me.

"Of course." I laughed and put the coffee back on the table.

She always tried not to talk about him and pretend she didn't like him at all. But I knew she had built up feelings for him. It was obvious.

She punched my arm and I just started laughing even more.

It looked like we could both be happy now. Maybe it was finally the time for a happy ending? Or not?

So much has happened in the last few months and I just want to stop thinking about the past.

Only the future matters now.

"So tell me everything Ashley said," hopping excitedly in her chair when we finally calmed down.

I told her about the place he had shown me.
I didn't want to tell her what he told me because I knew Dray wanted me to keep it to myself. He had opened up to me and it would be stupid of me if I just passed it on.

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