t w e n t y (rewriting)

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"You're mine"

Kylie River

I turned around slowly as I tried to study his facial expressions. His eyes widened as he started to realize, what just came out of his mouth.

I was confused.

Those words out of his mouth made me feel some type of way, but I wasn't sure if he meant it that way.

I want you.

I want him too.
I am lying to myself every time, I am saying that I don't want him. It's not true.

But the reason I am trying to stay away from him is, that I know he's not good for a relationship.

And he isn't good for me.

"You don't understand this." Dray let out a loud sigh as his back was facing me.

He pressed his palms against the kitchen table and I could see his muscles tense.

"Then enlighten me!" I started to get angry again.

I know he can't express his emotions that well, but how hard can it be, tell me what goes on inside of his head.

"Just tell me how you feel about me. Tell me Dray and I will stay with you." I closed the door and stood right behind him.

He turned around slowly as he looked down at me. His pupils were huge. His lips were slightly open as he looked down at my lips and back to my eyes again.

We stared at each other, for what felt like hours until he softly grabbed my neck from behind and pushed me closer to him. My breathing started to get heavier as I waited for him to say something.

If he will fuck this up again, I am going to leave. This is his last chance.

He ran his thumb over my lower lip as he started to smirk.

"These full lips are making me go crazy." he sighed.

I felt my heartbeat raise at the use of his words. Oh, what is this man doing with me?

He placed his right hand on my waist and pushed me completely against his body. He noticed my breath getting faster as he leaned onto my ear.

"You're mine," he whispered and I felt the shivers wandering down my spine.

He started placing soft kisses behind my ear as I opened my mouth and let out a soft moan.

"Lost the ability to speak, Ms. River?" I could feel him grinning as he got even further down, placing soft kisses under my chin.

He lifted his head and looked deep into my eyes again.

"If anyone touches you the same way I do, I swear I am going to take the matters into my own hands," he said smirking.

"Why you gotta be so dominant?" I let out a small laugh as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Shut up." He said and smiled back.

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