t e n (rewriting)

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Warning: Sexual Content

"You're mine"

Dray Ville

She wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed herself even closer to me.

She was perfect.

Her curves were perfectly shaped and her body looked so beautiful.

I didn't know what was going on.

What she did to me.

But I wanted her. That was the only thing I was sure about at the moment.

"Oh my fucking God, Dray." she moaned into my ear as I started sucking on her right breast.

She liked that. I knew it.

She made me go crazy.

I had never felt the urge of wanting someone that bad.

I knew I would never have feelings for her. I don't know how to love someone. These things weren't for someone like me.

But still, everything was different when I was with her.

I tried to convince myself that it was just Sex.

No feelings.

That was it, wasn't it?

Nothing more.

I started going down and kissing her stomach.

My right hand wandered even further down until I got to her thigh.

I knelt down and put my hands on her thighs to spread her legs further apart.

She was still sitting on the kitchen counter with her head bowed back.

Before I did anything, I looked up.

"Look at me," I demanded and her big eyes bored into mine.

"Do it," she whispered as she touched my cheek.

Her hair was completely tousled and all over her face. Despite everything, she still looked beautiful.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

I grinned and ripped her panties apart.

She winced and looked at me in shock.

"I don't think you can use that anymore."

I threw the panties in the corner of the room and turned back to her.

I placed my fingers on her and moved them in circular motions. She was so wet.
It drove me crazy how she reacted to my body.

"Oh fuck." she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

I put my fingers back on her thighs and leaned my head towards her pussy.

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