e i g h t t e e n (rewriting)

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"Can I sleep in here?"

Kylie River

"Just stop being so stubborn, it's just a room. It's not that we're gonna fuck or something." Dray laughed as he approached me.

I tried not to talk to him and went straight to the room. I stood in front of it, waiting for Dray to open the door but of course, he took long enough to make me angry.

"Could you please just open the door?" I pressed my palms against my head as I closed my eyes.

"Are you nervous being alone with me?" He asked as a smirk curled up his lips.

I said nothing.

I mean I was, but I wouldn't tell him that.

I just tried to ignore the tension between us too. I tried to remember that I was only here because of my job.

Nothing else.

There was a big meeting with some designers from Dubai on Friday and I needed to be prepared for that. I didn't want to lose my job just because of Dray, or other stupid things.

I wanted Mrs.Ville, to be proud of me.

I didn't even know why Dray was still trying to be near me that much. Keep me away from Tom.

Shouldn't he be fucking some girls at the bar or drink and smoke, until he can barely think anymore?

But no, instead I have to spend more time with him than I thought I would.

Of course, he needed to change those fucking rooms.

Probably, it would be best to tell Tom about it and just change the rooms, but I was exhausted.

I decided not to tell Tom anything and just try to deal with it.

I wonder what he's doing with Ruby.

I mean I am not sure, but I still think she's in love with him and she would do anything just to be near him.

I was like an insect and she just looked for the perfect moment to step on me.

I didn't know why she hated me that much.

She had talked about, how I fucked up her life. Well, that's what she said when she showed up drunk at Ashley's house one time.

Since the very beginning, she hasn't even tried to be friendly to me.

"I see." He let out a small laugh as he pressed the card against the door.

I gasped as I saw the big suit in front of me.

The living room was connected with a small kitchen and I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful view I had in front of me.

Dubai was a wonderful city.

"It's not that big of a deal."

I turned around as I saw Dray throwing the hotel card on the bar table.

"The sponsors of Belle Ville paid for all of that. Well, it was supposed to be her Suit but since she's not here I thought I would take it." He explained.

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