t h i r t y - s e v e n (rewriting)

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"M'Lady "

Kylie River

"Hurry, Ashley needs our help." I said putting my pants on as fast as I could and getting up from the bed.

Dray gave me a confused look but sat up straight and slowly began to get dressed as well.

"Kylie would you tell me-" he said but I ran into the living room to get my keys.

"Hurry up, I'll explain everything to you, just make it quick please"

I heard him letting out a loud sigh, but a moment later I already saw him walking down the stairs.

He looked at me and I noticed that he was sleepy. He rubbed his hand over his face and we walked down to the car together.

"We have to turn left now, to the hospital," I told him and took my phone out of my purse to check if Ashley left me a text.

"To the hospital?" Dray asked in surprise.

"What do we want in the hospital?"

I let out a small sigh and looked at him again.

His hair was still totally tousled and he had his shirt on the wrong side, that's why I had to hold back from laughing.

"I told you about this one guy Ashley met. She wanted to let him get to know me, but unfortunately, it never happened because someone wanted to hurt him. She said someone seriously injured him and she brought him to the hospital. She begged me to come as soon as possible."

"Oh ok. I understand. Do you know what that guy looks like?" Dray asked me but didn't take his eyes off the road.

I was confused. Why does he care about his looks now? That is irrelevant.

"I don't know, I've never seen him before," I said, slightly confused, but was relieved when I saw the big hospital building at the end of the road.

I already recognized Ashley standing in front of the entrance.

"Please wait here, alright? Thanks for doing this for me." I said with a smile and squeezed his hand before quickly getting out of the car and running over to Ashley.

"Ashley! What happened?" I asked and my gaze immediately stopped on her hands, which were covered in blood.

Ashley sobbed nonstop and I couldn't get a word out of her. I decided to bring her to my apartment first and calm her down. It looks like she was there when the whole thing happened.

I don't know how someone can do such a terrible thing to another human being.

I grabbed her arm and Dray got out of the car to open the door for us.

He gave me a "what happened to her" look but I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders to signal that I don't even know it myself.

I asked Dray to drive us home and the whole time Ashley refused to say anything. She was sobbing into her hands and I couldn't even manage to calm her down.

When we got to my apartment we sat down on the couch and I got some paper towels out of the bathroom, to help Ashley clean her hands.

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