Piage El

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Pride in one self,
Is all but hides,
The darkness,
Of one's dark past.

Chapter 1- Paige El

Paige El is a 15 year old girl that went to Signal Academy to train and become a huntress. The academy is located off the coast of Vale. Vale is one of the four kingdoms of Remnant; there's also a city in Vale named after it, Vale city.

Right now, at Signal Academy, alone in class, Paige is making her first very own weapon. She wants her very first, unquie weapon to be one of a kind... at least. She's wearing a black t-shirt under her unzipped orange hooded jacket. On the back of the hooded jacket was a symbol of a white wing and a white lightning bolt going down the center. Along with her black and orange striped combat skirt, she wears a brown belt with the same symbol and orange knee high leather boots with black socks. She narrowed her brown eyes trying to connect the black metal pieces together. She swiped her bangs to the side that was covering her eyes. Paige has long wavy brown hair that is covered with black and orange highlights.

"Finished!" Paige hold up her finished weapon up into the air.

The two black weapons in her hands is a high velocity twin bladed tonfa pistols. In other words, the weapon are two bladed tonfas that can transform into a high velocity pistol. The one in her right hand has a grip on the handle with her crest and the one in the left doesn't have a grip on the handle but also has her crest. The blades only went up to the center of the weapon. Paige swung the weapon in her hands. She holds the tonfa with the grip in her right and the one without the grip in her left, cause she wears a black fingerless glove on her left hand only. She hold out the bladed tonfas in defence stand, having the blade under her arms. She then swung the blade out slashing open air. Lastly, to test out the gun mode, she flipped the bladed tonfa that was in her right hand into the air, holding the bladed tonfa like a gun as the blade flipped back exposing a gun barrel. She flicked the tonfa and the blade flipped back in place.

Her brown eyes sparkled as she was so proud of herself. "Now what to name you two?" She thought for a while but nothing came to mind. "Guess I'll have to wait on the naming. I just can't wait to take on some Grimms."

She packed everything up and left the classroom with her two bladed tonfas in the holster on her belt. She skipped out and thought she might get some ice cream in Vale.

Paige got off the aircraft and walked down to Vale towards the small stone cafe that sells the best ice cream, well, in Paige's opinion. Its been awhile since she got a break and visit the city. She went up and opened the door to the small little cafe shop.

"What can I get you?" The young girl said from behind the bar and register.

"Hey, Sarah," Paige greeted.

"Paige it's been awhile," said sarah. Sarah is a sheep faunus with small horns coming out of her blonde little head. "Anything I can get you?"

"Two scoops of cookie dough. Oh! And some rainbow sprinkles. I love rainbow sprinkles."

"I know," Sarah chuckled. "Coming right up." Sarah turned around to the huge freezer filled with different type of ice cream.

'Maybe I should get some for Ray' Paige thought.

Ray, short for Rayna, also goes to Signal Academy along with Paige. They're best friends and have known each other for a while now. Rayna is kind of like an older sister to Paige.

"Here you go." Sarah handed the cone with the cookie dough ice cream to Paige as she paid.

When Paige walked out of the little cafe shop, waving Sarah good-bye and licking the ice cream, she was knocked down by a man. She dropped her cone as she fell.

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