Paige on a Rampage!

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

I was typing chapter 25 for my story PRDE -The Pride Within- when all of a sudden by door was busted open.

"Ok what's going on here!?" Winter yelled.

I quickly shot out of my chair and stared at the girl with long white hair flowing down her back.

Winter?! How'd you get into my house? I locked every window and door.

"Uh, I broke in, cearly your house doesn't have good security," Winter mentioned.

I slowly gulped and said, I want to say a few words... please don't kill me!

"Oh please, I think I know how it works," Winter said. "If I killed you, the author of the story, then the story won't continue, but it's been like, what? A month or something, and you still haven't updated a new chapter yet! What's going on?!"

Um... I've been busy?

"That's your excuse?" Winter deadpanned. "Really?"

I really was busy!

"That's always your excuse!"

How would you know that?

"I've got a copy of your book."

No way.

"Oh yes way. I barrowed it from Paige." Winter showed me a book in her hand that has a cover with the colors of orange, blue, red and green. "I heard Paige got this from an author that was having a book signing event."

I gulped and shyly chuckled. Oh god.

"Now explain to me! Why the hell have you been slacking off until all the way til New Year's!?

Ok ok! I'm sorry, but look! I'm actually updating right now, see! I quickly moved aside to show Winter I'm lap top that's on my desk.

"Well then post it already!" Winter demanded.

Yes of course! I turned around and pretended to click the post button. There I did it, now can you please leave my house?

"Sure, but if I found out that I'm not in this chapter, then I'll be back to find you," Winter threatened.

I quickly nodded my head and smiled, Yeah yeah, you're definitely in this chapter, promise.

Winter gave me a glare and left my room by slamming the door shut. I let out a sigh of relief and slumped down into my chair. I quickly typed in my author's note at the end of the chapter and clicked the post button.

There, a new chapter out. I let out a puff of air and laid down on my bed. I really need to take a nap, or sleep? Yeah I need to sleep.

I closed my eyes while my head was filled with wonders whether my readers will like the new chapter that I just posted, after all, I did kinda rush on it a bit.

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Chapter 25- Paige on a Rampage!

Paige and Demin stood in shock as they stare at Emerald who was on top of the Draco.

"Hey guys, glad to see your both ok," Emerald said casually.

Paige pointed to the Draco and said, "Emerald, do you know what you are sitting on?"

"Yeah, and you'll be surprise to see who she actually is."

Paige and Demin gave each other a puzzled look and they both spoke, "She?"

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