Fighting Adam

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 24- Fighting Adam

Demin helped Paige up to her feet. "Are you alright, can you still fight?"

"I'm fine," Paige answered. "Nothing my aura can't heal."

Paige started to glow orange, the wound on her hand slowly healed, but her aura only stopped the bleeding on her shoulder, the wound itself has not healed completely.

"Yang! Yang, wake up! Please wake up, please!"

Paige and Demin looked to where Blake was holding Yang's bleeding body. Paige walked over and kneeled down next to Blake. Paige held her hand to Yang's neck.

"It's ok, she's still alive, but we need to stop the bleeding," Paige said, seeing Blake put pressure on the open wound on Yang's abdomen.

Blake sniffled, "Right." She held onto Yang's hand and closes her eyes. Her body started to glow black and the glow traveled down Yang's arm. The wound stopped bleeding, but they could see it left a mark.

Yang started to stir. She opened her lilac eyes to see Blake, Paige and Demin.

"Am I dying?" She asked.

Blake let out a shaky chuckle. "No, you're gonna be fine. Thank goodness, I don't know what I would do if I don't have my partner."

Yang grinned, "You would go to Sun... and have him comfort you... until you forget about about me."

Blake hit her head, "Don't say that, I would never forget about you. Besides, did you forget Sun broke up with me and you were the one comforting me until I was better?"

Yang blinked and chuckled. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Sun dumped you for Velvet."

Blake rolled her eyes. "Yeah, thanks for reminding me." Then she smiled. "Glad to see you ok."

"Hey, I'm glad to see you're back to yourself."

"Well ain't that touching."

Blake, Yang, Paige and Demin turned their heads to see Adam smirking.

"I can't believe the collar I put on you broke," Adam said to Blake.

"You're the one that turned Blake into a mindless monster," Yang growled. She tried to get up, but groaned in pain.

Paige stood in between Adam and Yang. "Blake, take Yang somewhere safe, so she could have some time to regain energy. I'll take care of him."

"No, Adam is my problem, I'll take care of him," Blake protested.

"Yang needs her partner," Paige stated.

Blake looked at Yang then back at Paige. She sighed and stood up with Yang. "Fine, but stay alive."

Paige smirked, "Of course."

Demin stood next to Paige, "I got your back."

"Thanks partner."

Adam took out Wilt and pointed towards Paige. "Step aside, my fight isn't with you."

"If you want to get to Blake, then you're gonna have go through us first," Paige stated, gripping her Massacre Lock.

Adam smirked and dashed at Paige. She widened her eyes from the sudden attack and teleported up is the air. Adam looked up as Paige swung down. He lift up Wilt and blocked Massacre Lock's blade. Then Demin Swung his Black Star at Adam's abdomen. Adam jumped back and he missed as Paige landed on her knee. Paige then teleported up to Adam swinging her bladed tonfas.

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