Enrolling to Beacon

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 5- Enrolling to Beacon

"Oh my god! I can't believe it, we made it! We got accepted to Beacon!" Paige cheered.

"I know right! This has ta be the best thing ever!" Rayna agreed.

Both Paige and Rayna are on the aircraft with other students that are accepted by Beacon. Paige always wanted to enter Beacon and become the best huntress there is. Rayna has the same desires so they both decided to enter together, and luckily they both got accepted. Paige looked out the window taking in the view. Then a hologram was shown catching everyone's eyes. The hologram was a woman with blond hair and green eyes with glasses.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch." The hologram started. "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it."

"This is awesome," Rayna whispered to Paige.

"You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." The hologram disappeared.

"I'm so excited!" Paige exclaimed.

The aircraft landed and all the students stormed out onto the property of Beacon.

"Race ya out!" Rayna ran out of the aircraft leaving Paige all alone.

"Hey! No fair, you got head start!" Paige ran after Rayna.

While running out of the aircraft, Paige wasn't looking and ran into someone. Paige fell to the floor with a thud.


Paige looked up to meet a blonde girl with green eyes, on her left eye there was a scar going down the center. What really caught her attention was the two tawny ears on top of her head. She almost squealed with delight from seeing them twitch.

"Sorry about that. You ok?" She reached a hand out for Paige to grab.

"Yeah, I'm fine, and I should be the one apologizing." Paige accepted her hand. "I'm Paige." She notice the white beret on the floor beside her. "And here's your beret." Paige handed it back to her.

"My name's Emerald, and thanks" she replied. "It's nice to meet you," she said placing the beret back over her ears.

"That's a nice name."

"Thank you, but I have to get going. Maybe we could meet again?" Emerald walked away with Paige's attention still on her.

'She has cute cat ears' Paige thought. Then she remembered, "RAYNA!" Paige started to run again trying to find her energetic friend.

Upon getting closer to the building itself, Paige had to do a double take. Staring up in awe as she took in the huge building that is known as Beacon Academy.

"Wow..." was all that Paige could say. "It's better than I imagined. It's so, it's just so... beautiful." Paige released a sigh as her eyes sparkled from the view.

"It's sure is."

"Woah!" Paige jerked as she saw the silver haired boy with blue eyes right next her.

"Sorry if I startled you," he said through his black scarf.

"No its fine. I'm Paige, it's nice to meet you."

"Same to you, I'm Demin," he said. "But we should probably go inside instead of standing out here."

"Right, then let's go."

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