Dorm Rooms

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 9- Dorm Rooms

Team PRDE walked down the hall with their luggage in tow. They took a turn down the corner to their new bedroom.

"Here we are, Room 17," Paige announced.

She unlocked the door with her scroll. The scroll is an object that appears to function as a collapsible, holographic tablet. Paige opened the door to their new room, but only to fine two bunk beds, dangerously on top of each other. The bunk bed to the right had a bed hanging over a bed from the ceiling while to the left, there's a bed stacked on top of another one supported by books.

"I'm not sleeping in those!" Rayna pointed to the beds.

"Me neither," Emerald agreed.

"Oh calm down. This used to be team RWBY's bedroom if I remembered correctly, and they slept in them," Paige reasoned. "They must have forgotten to put the beds back down."

"Even if we put the beds back on the floor, there won't be much room for our other stuff." Demin said placing down his suitcase. "We're gonna have to sleep in them."

"Not in these death traps," Rayna scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"Fine, we have one of two options then, either have bunk beds of some kind, or we share beds with our partner," Paige said.

Rayna looked at Emerald and she only shrugged. "Lo hará, in other words, it will do." Rayna nodded.

"I wouldn't sleep with anyone but I also wouldn't sleep on a bunk bed as dangerous as those." Emerald pointed to the bed handing off the ceiling and the bed supported by books. "So I pretty much don't have a choice."

"Ok, so we'll sleep with our partners. But what about..." Rayna brought her attention to Demin.

Paige and Emerald also looked at Demin. He only stared back at the three girls. If sharing a bed with their partners then that means that Paige has to share with Demin.

It was kind of bad fortune since he's the only boy on the team.

"I'll sleep on the floor," he said.

"No, as team leader and your partner, I can't just kick you out of the bed because you're a boy."

"Well then, what do you suggest?" Emerald asked.

Paige bit the bottom of her lip trying to think of a way. Then, an idea came to mind.

"I can't believe she stole our blanket," Emerald growled.

After an hour or so Emerald was still angry at what Paige decided to do. They had unpacked their belongings, changed to their sleepwear and taken the two extra beds out of the room. Paige and Demin was now sharing the bed on the right side of the room but they each had their individual blankets. Rayna and Emerald was sharing the bed on the other side, but they were blanketless.

"Oh just let it go already and go ta'sleep. We have classes first thing in the morning." Rayna groaned. "By the way, is it even comfortable sleeping with that hat on?" Rayna turned her head slightly to see the beret.

"Not really," Emerald respond as her ears twitched from under the beret.

"Then why do you have it on?"

"I don't know? I guess it's just a force of habit."

"You can take it off if it's uncomfortable. It's not like I'm gonna judge you, ya know. You are in our team dorm room, and I think you'll sleep better without it."

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