The Draco Returns

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 26- The Draco Returns

Rayna flew above Beacon grounds looking for her partner. She looked left and right, but she couldn't find her.

'Where the god damn is she?' Rayna wondered.

Then a Nevermore came flying at her. Rayna flapped her wings to stopped and let out a blast of flames. The Nevermore was engulfed by the fire and burned down to the ground.

"That will show ya not to mess with me!" Rayna hissed.

Rayna continued to fly around until she saw a blur of light green on the ground. She stopped and narrowed her red eyes, then she lit up to see her partner fighting alongside Blake.

Rayna was about to fly down and help when all of a sudden she felt like something was draining her aura. She closed her eyes as her body gone cold.

'What the hell?' Rayna looked at her body to see it flashing red and orange. 'Oh no.' Rayna quickly fly down to the ground before the flames wrapped around her body, changing her back to human. She sighed in relief that she didn't change in the air. 'That was a close one.'

Rayna clenched her hand to see her aura glowing orange. "Paige sure loves to use my semblance, just hope she can control the dragon that's sleeping deep within."

Paige let out a roar and whipped her tail around. The Grimm around coward in fear as Paige stomped her legs.

Torchwich aimed his cane at Paige and fired. Demin jumped in front and blocked the bullet with his scythe.

"I'm not letting you touch her," Demin stated.

Torchwick chuckled, "Oh c'mon, she's a monster, she has to be killed."

"You're also a monster."

Torchwick frowned and aimed at Demin. Demin rolled out of the way and turned his Black Star into two chained rifles. He fired at Torchwich, them Paige came in between and started blasting fire everywhere. Demin and Torchwick had to jump back away from her.

"What's going on here!?" Weiss screamed. "Why did Paige turn to a Grimm!?"

"It's complicated!" Demin shouted back. "Can't really explain right now, but Paige is out of control."

Neo charged at Weiss swinging her umbrella, but then Yang jumped in front and blocked Neosho attack.

"Thanks Yang," Weiss said.

"Keep your head in the game," Yang replied. "Demin can take care of Paige, right Demin?" He nodded and Yang smirked.

But before Demin could do anything, Paige started flapping her sting wings, bringing her to the sky.

Demin gasped and he quickly tossed one of his chained scythes at her. The scythe looped around her body as the chain itself wrapped around her. Paige screeched and dragged Demin along with her into the air.

"DEMIN!!" Yang called as she jumped back from Neo.

"It's alright! I got her!" Demin reassured.

Yang nodded and concentrated on her battle with Weiss by her side.

"Emerald!" Rayna called out.

Emerald turned her attention to Rayna and was not able to see the Griffin behind her. Rayna teleported behind Emerald and tornado kicked the poor Grimm in the jaw, sending it thirty feet away. Emerald turned around with a shocked expression as Rayna smirked at her.

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