Dark Morning

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* Author's Note *

Hello everyone, I am back from my cruse, hope everyone missed me, cuz I'll be here all day, updating, ok, maybe every two days cuz of all of the writing I've done on the boat. It took some time to type everything up and I still have things to type up, so get ready for some rapid fire update week ; )

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 11- Dark Morning

Paige was the first to wake up. She crawled out of bed trying not to wake up Demin. She looked to the other side where Rayna and Emerald was sleeping under the mint blanket. Paige dragged herself to the bathroom to take a shower. She slipped out of her sleepwear and enter the shower letting the warm water stream down her body. She thought back to yesterday where she went down to Vale to buy a new blanket.

*downtown Vale flashback*

Paige walked down the streets of Vale. She enter a store that sold furniture. Paige walked through the aisle full of different blankets. She needed a blanket that Emerald would like, or love. She looked around until her eyes landed on a mint colored blanket, feeling the fabric against her fingers. She loved the feeling, it was really soft. She was willing to buy the blanket for herself and give back the old one, but then again, it might make Emerald more angry.

"I'll take it!" She chirped.

Paige grab the mint colored blanket to the register to pay. Walking out of the store with the blanket in the bag, she headed back to Beacon. But on the way someone grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a dark alleyway.

It was a good thing that Paige brought Massacre Lock with her. "Who are you!?"

"I'm not that important, what's important is about your teammate, Emerald," he said.

'Emerald?! He knows Emerald?' Paige thought. "How do you know Emerald?" Paige asked.

"Let's just say she was an old an acquaintance of the White Fang," he said.

'White Fang! Emerald was apart of White Fang?! That can't be, she seems nothing like the White Fang.' "Why should I believe you? You have no proof!" Paige countered.

"I don't need to prove you anything. All I need is for you to send a message for her." He smirked. "I want you to tell her this 'Last call, or else feel the pain of your life.' And tell her it's from Adam, by the way." He chuckled as he walked away, leaving Paige alone in the alley.

The chuckled send shivers down her spine as he disappeared.

*end of downtown Vale flashback*

Paige turned off the shower and got out. She dried herself, wearing her school uniform. Walking out of the bathroom, she notice that Demin was awake. She looked over to the other side, Rayna and Emerald was still asleep.

"Morning, Demin." Paige mumbled.

"You don't seem that... energetic." Demin said. "It something wrong?"

Paige hesitated. She wasn't sure if she should tell him, but then again, he is her partner and they both had things they regret in the past. "Would you believe someone if they said one of your teammate is part of the White Fang?" Paige asked.

"Did they say it was Emerald?" Demin asked.

"I don't want to be pointing out names."

"If they did say Emerald, then yeah, I would."

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