Trust Between Partners

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 10- Trust Between Partners

"Good morning class!" And elderly teacher named professor Port said as more students walked in.

The rest of team PRDE noticed Emerald sitting in the second row, that are in varying stages of interest. Rayna sat down next to her partner, Paige sat beside Rayna and Demin sat down next to Paige.

Professor Port continued to speak as Rayna whispered to Emerald. "We need to talk after school." Emerald looked at her partner, sighed and nodded. "Muy bien." Rayna brought her attention back to the professor.

"And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world!" Port said.

The day went on until all the classes were finished. Rayna mostly slept through them.

Rayna tugged Emerald outside as Paige and Demin went back to the dorm. Paige flopped down on their bed and Demin took a seat on a chair that's in front of a desk that's in front of the window.

"You seem a little stress," Demin said.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Well you seem to be the person with full of energy." Demin said.

"Yeah, I guess I do seem like a person that would be full of energy."

"I'd something wrong?"

"Well being all leader and wanting this team to be the best, got me thinking." Paige sat up. "I need to gain your trust and we all need to gain each other's trust. So I though we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. But..."

"But...?" Demin perused.

"I know I hate people keeping secrets, but I've been keeping one too. And I'm afraid if Emerald found out she might leave the team."

"It can't be that bad."

"No, it is that bad, Demin. Don't tell anyone, but... I killed someone, and that someone happens to be a faunus. If Emerald found out I killed a faunus, one of her kind, she'll hate me!"

"I think your just jumping to conclusions."

"No I'm not. The faunus race has hated the humans even before the White Fang disbanding. I bet Emerald has at least little hate for humans too. And if she knows about me killing one, she'll hate me. No one knows about this other than Rayna, and now you."

"I've killed someone." Demin confessed, feeling that's wrong to keep from Paige if she's sharing him her secret.

"You have?" Paige was a bit taken back by the ninja.

"Not just one. I've kill hundreds, no, thousands of people."

"You're lying, why would you need to kill so many people? Unlike you, I had to kill him. It was either I kill him or let him kill me."

"Paige, I am from star clan. A group of assassinators, that's paid to kill."

Paige stared at him, trying to let this new information sunk in. 'My partner is an assistant!'

"I was young and I was the heir to the Star clan throne. My father was the leader and I was proud of who he was, and what I was. But everything changed once I found out what the star clan was really meant to do. I couldn't run or change my fate. After my father die I took over. I tries to change the clan, but it wasn't working. And somehow along the way I was doing missions, assassinating people who were marked as targets. I became sick of it, so I ran. I ran to Mistral and attend Haven Academy to become a huntsmen."

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