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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 14- Activities

"Ok, our assignment is to build up our teamwork," said Paige.

Team PRDE is currently walking back to their dorm rooms with team WRTH in their combat clothes.

"How are we gonna do that?" asked Hayden.

"We can get to now each other!" Paige suggested as she smiled.

"But we already know so much," Ralph said.

"We actually only know about our partners, so technically we don't know much as a team," Winter spoke.

"Then how about we spent the afternoon together!" Paige happily insisted. "I mean the more the merrier, right?"

"I guess it could be fun," Rayna said.

"Ok, how about you guys come to our room?" Taylor suggested.

"I'm okay with that," Emerald said.

"I guess," Demin shrugged

"Then it's settled. Party at our room!" Hayden cheered.

Team WRTH showed team PRDE their room. Winter used her scroll to unlock the door. Inside their room, on the right side was a bunk bed. On the other side was one bed with two pillows.

"You guys... have a bunk bed?" Paige pointed to the bunk bed on the right side.

"Well we didn't have any room so we decided to share the beds and discard the two extra," Taylor explained.

"But, Ralph refused to sleep in the same bed with Hayden so..." Winter looked at the bunk bed.

"I decided to replace them and buy a bunk bed instead," Ralph said.

"Okay, soooo... I'm guessing you two are sharing the bed on the left side?" Rayna turned to Winter and Taylor.

"Surprisingly, yes," Taylor said. "I was sure Winter would want a bunk bed too since I'm a faunus."

"Taylor, for the last time, just because my father hates the faunus race doesn't mean I hate the faunus race. So I have no problem sleeping with you," Winter said.

Rayna started to giggled. "And what's so funny?" Winter scoffed.

"You just said you have no problem sleeping with her," Rayna chuckled.

"I don't see what's so funny about..." Winter's face turned red from the realization of what Rayna really meant. "No! Not like that! I don't mean sleeping as in sleeping with her, but as in actually sleeping!" Winter's face became a brighter red and Rayna was now laughing.

Taylor rubbed Winter's back. "Don't worry, I know what you mean."

"Okay Ray, stop teasing Winter and let start our assignment by playing a game!" Paige announced.

"What game?" Hayden asked.

"Umm..." Paige took some time to think of an icebreaker game. "How about two truths and one lie!" Paige beamed.

"I'm down with that," Rayna agreed.

"I guess turning our assignment into a game can be fun," Winter fold her arms.

"I'm okay with it," Ralph said.

Demin and Emerald both gave Paige and Rayna a concern look. Paige and Rayna looked at each other and realized that team WRTH knows nothing about their past.

"You guys don't need to share about your past," Paige whispered to them.

"Yeah, just say what you like and dislike," Rayna whispered.

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