The Wolf & The Schnee

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 7- The Wolf & The Schnee

As Winter was flying through the air she unleashed her weapon, the high velocity revolver rapier, know as Snow White.

Winter's weapon is much similar to her sister's Weiss, being a rapier as well. The only difference from Weiss's Myrtenaster is that her's can transform into a high velocity revolver that shoots different types of dust.

She lashed her Snow White under her feet and a circular mirror was formed right under her foot for her to bounce off. Winter's semblance is, what she liked to call, mirror. She can make and control mirrors however she likes. She made more mirrors with just a swing of her rapier, the mirror she makes was like stepping stone in the air. With each step she made it safely down to the ground. She dust off her skirt and looked around.

Winter walked through the forest searching for a partner. She's wearing her combat clothes, a white tank top with a blue bolero jacket. On the lower half, she wears a two layered skirt, blue on the outside and white on the inside. She has a white belt with the snowflake symbol as the buckle and white high heeled boots. Her weapon hangs on the side of her belt.

She kept on walking when she heard something in the bushes. She slightly turned her head and a pack of Beowolves burst out of the bushes. She fully turned around facing the pack that's growling. Winter drew out Snow White and turned it into a revolver gun, shooting burn dust at the Beowolves. She spun the revolver on the gun til it landed on the yellow mark, then an electric pulse was blast at the Beowolves. Only a couple Beowolves left and she was still outnumbered. So Winter turn the gun back into a rapier and spun the revolver until it landed on the blue mark that stands for blue dust. She spun a full circle and jabbed the rapier into the ground towards the Beowolves as glacier of ice erupted from the ground forming and ice wall blocking the Beowolves's path. Winter took this chance to escape. The alpha Beowolf howled, signaling the other Beowolves to catch her.

Winter knows it's cowardly to run from an opponent, but what else could she do, without a partner, she can't fight a full pack of Beowolves on her own. So the smart choice is to escape and quickly fine a suitable partner for her. She turned her head and saw that the Beowolves aren't behind. She slowly turn to a stop with a confused look on her face.

'Where are the Beowolves? Weren't they following me?'

Winter was very confused. Usually the Beowolves wouldn't just let a prey escape, especially not a full pack of them. Then, a horrible screech ripped through the air. Winter had to cover her ears. She looked up and was met with flying feather daggers coming right at her. Her blue eyes widened as she didn't have time to react. But just in time, someone pushed her out of the way as the feather daggers plunged into the earth.

"Hey!?" Winter yelled as she was tackled to the ground.

She looked up to meet a girl with golden eyes. Her light brown hair that flowed down her back. She has this white wolf symbol on the back of her black jacket that she's wearing, along with her white tank top. She was kneeling on one knee, right in front of Winter, with her black shorts and black heeled shoes. What really stand out was the pair of silver wolf ears on top of her head and the wolf tail.

They stared each other in the eye for a couple more minutes until a screech was heard. Both of their attention was brought to the over grown black bird that's fly in a circular motion. Winter stood up as the wolf faunus jumped up into a tree onto the branch and repelled herself into the air above the Nevermore.

"Wow. She jumps really high. Abnormally high..." Winter mused.

The bracelets on the faunus wolf girl turned into black tri-bladed hand claws.

The bracelets covers the back of her hand and loops around her hand forming a grip for the palms, three long claws piercing out from the top where the knuckles are.

She gripped onto the grip as she draw her arm back. The Nevermore noticed and was about to fly away when she bashed the claw down right into its skull. With great impact the the Grimm mask cracked as the Nevermore fell to the ground as the wolf faunus landed on her knees.

"Wow..." was the only thing Winter could say.

Even though she's a faunus she has skill. And a lot of skill at that, if it's catching the attention of a Schnee.

The Nevermore got up and screeched at them. Winter reacted fast, spinning her revolver as it stopped on the red indicating that it's red dust. She slashed her rapier and a slash of flames was sent at the Nevermore. It's screeched in pain as it flapped it wings trying to fly. The wolf faunus jumped up smashing the skull with her weapon, then she did a spin, kicking the Nevermore across the face sending it tumbling to the grounds while crashing into some trees. The wolf faunus landed perfecting on her feet then looked towards Winter to see her staring with her mouth opened. The faunus smirked and walked over to her with her tail wagging, reaching out her hand for Winter to shake.

"I'm Taylor. Taylor Wrolf," the wolf faunus introduced.

"You're a faunus," Winter blurred out.

Taylor's smirk quickly turned to a frown as the tail drooped. "So?"

"You're a faunus," Winter said again. She couldn't think of anything else to say even though she can see the hurt expression on Taylor's face. "Your race has been at war with my family."


"Aren't you angry at the Schnees, at me?"

"No, why would I be? You're not your disgusting father or your grandfather so I have nothing against you," Taylor explained.

"Still, just because you're ok with it doesn't mean I'm ok with it," Winter said. Taylor turned around and started to walk away. "Wait?! Where are you going?" Winter asked.

"Looking for a new partner. Clearly you don't want me."

"I never said that, I only said I'm not ok with it."

"Not ok with me being a faunus? Sorry but I can't control that, I am what I am."

"No. I think you should be angry at me. My family has done terrible things to the faunus race and it doesn't feel right."

"My anger should be aimed at someone else, not you." Winter opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, so Taylor continued to talk. "You know team RWBY?" Winter nodded. "Your sister Weiss is on that team and one of her teammate is a faunus."

Winter nodded again. "If I remember, her name was Blake, Blake Belladonna."

"Blake was nothing like the faunus your sister thought they were, so she accepted Blake. And I'm willing to accept you, I'm not gonna judge until I know what you're really like. So before you judge me, you should really get to know me first." And with that Taylor started to walk again without looking back.

"W-wait!" Winter called out. Taylor stopped in her tracks. "So... are we... partners?" Winter shuttered.

Taylor turned around, facing Winter, looking deep into her eyes. "Of course!" Taylor smirked, wagging her tail as her wolf ears perked up. "All that talking was to win you over, why else would I try so hard."

"I hate you." Winter crossed her arms and huffed. "I thought you meant that."

"And I did. I meant every word I said, so are you coming or not?"

Winter released a puff of air before flashing a smile at Taylor. "I'm coming."

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