Strike Back

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 27- Strike Back

Rayna stared up at the large black dragon that glared at her team. The Grimm let out a terrifying roar that shook the every Remnant.

"Stop this Draco!" Rayna yelled.

Draco blast out a stream of fire towards team PRDE. Everyone scattered, avoiding the blast.

"It can't you," said a feminine voice.

Paige saw two people walk forward from behind the large Grimm. It was Emerald and Mercury.

Rayna growled as her body flared in flames. "You did this?!"

Mercury chuckled, "Right after you and the faunus left Draco Island, Emerald and I took care of taking the Draco down."

"It was simple," Emerald said. "When that stupid Grimm thought that she was safe, letting her guard down, we striked her down."

"We won't let you get away with this!" Paige warned.

"Oh, but we already have." Mercury charged at Paige.

Being startled her reaction was late. As Mercury was about to kick Paige in the chest, Demin was quick and was able to block the attack with Black Star from reaching Paige. Mercury grunted as Paige distance herself from him and Demin.

Demin pushed Mercury back and changed Black Star into its chained rifle mode. "I'll take care of Mercury, you guys find a way to stop that Draco."

Paige nodded and turned to her other teammates. "Let's go guys."

Rayna nodded and looked to her partner, "Em, can ya stop the Draco's movements?"

"Yeah." Emerald aimed her Queen Blake at the Draco's legs and was about to fire her blade out when the other Emerald got in her way.

Emerald was quick and brought her Crown Leopard up to block Emerald's attack.

"This world is too small for two Emeralds'." Emerald said as her red eyes narrowed into a glare.

"Em!" Rayna was about to punch Emerald off of her partner when the cougar faunus stopped her.

"It's alright Ray! I can take, you and Paige do something about Draco."

Rayna bit her lip, but she trusted her partner, "Fine, but make sure ya beat her ass for me!"

Emerald smirked, "Will do partner."

Rayna ripped her attention away from her faunus partner to the black dragon rampage around. She even notice how the other Grimm started to be drawn in to the Draco.

"This is bad," Paige said. "The Draco is attracting the other Grimms."

"What did ya expect," Rayna replied. "With all this negativity drafting around and now adding a Draco, it surly will attract more Grimm to Beacon."

"So how are we gonna do this?" Paige asked as she shot down some nearby Grimms.

"Why don't you try teleporting that stupid collar off of Draco's neck?" Rayna questioned as she blast out fireballs at the surrounding Grimms.

"I have to get close to it then," Paige answered.

"Can't ya just teleport that collar without going near it?"

"I can't do that. I've only ever done that once and it takes a lot of concentration. Also it takes a lot of my aura."

Rayna grumbled, "Alright then." She transformed into Draco Grimm and flapped her wings. "I'll distract it, you get in close."

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