Half Draco

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 23- Half Draco

Rayna chewed on the dust crystal remembering that Draco said that dust fuel her flames. She didn't want to believe it, but in order to defeat the Silver Fang, she needed more fire power. She felt her inner body burning as she shove more dust in her mouth, then she burst into flames setting anything around her on fire. Rayna looked down at her hand to see claws, and half her arm was covered in black scales. Rayna panted as her hands went to her head and felt two long horns. She notice how her bottom half felt heavy, looking over her shoulder to see her back she notice a black tail. She was about to freak out when she hear a voice.


"W-what?" Rayna was getting scared, it felt like someone was in her head.


Rayna looked around the cavern, her vision turning red. She blinked once then twice and then her pupils turned to slits.


Her red eyes landed on the Silver Fang members and the voice got louder.


Rayna let out a scream that sounded very close to roar.

Everyone in the cavern covered their ear, and theDraco only smirked as she flicked her forked tongue.

Rayna jumped off the dust pile into the air. On her back, wings made of fire formed and she soar down onto the closest Sliver Fang member, slashing his throat open. She then moved onto the next, killing any Fang member.

Draco chuckled. Now this is interesting. Rayna, my dear, why don't you help me out of these ropes?

Rayna did as told ripping the non flammable ropes off of Draco. Draco shook the rest of the ropes off and opened her wings as she stretched.

Now that's a lot better, said Draco.

Rayna continued to kill, ripping the Silver Fang members throats open. Her body was covered in blood, and the faunus was getting scare, running away for their lives. Rayna turned around and her red eyes landed on Spear and Emerald.

"Well this is interesting indeed," said Spear as he jumped away when Rayna started walking towards them.

Emerald just stood staring into those two burning red eyes. She was paralyzed by the destruction Rayna had caused. As Rayna got closer, Emerald started to quriver. She was afraid, yes, she was afraid of her partner.

Emerald tool a step back feeling the heat off of her, but then she tripped landing on her bottom. Rayna was literally standing over her, staring at Emerald.

Rayna growled and reached out a hand. Emerald shut her eyes, waiting for the pain to come. But nothing came, then she felt something wet fall on her cheek. Emerald slowly opened her green eyes to see that Rayna's eyes were in tears, and her pupils were back to normal, but she still had the horns, claws and tail.

Rayna dropped to her knees and cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Em!" Emerald sat on her knees and reached out a hand, but Rayna slapped it away. "No!" Rayna screamed. "Don't touch me, I'm a monster!"

"You're not a monster, Ray," Emerald said.

"No, don't ya try to lie to me! I am. Just look at me!" Rayna removed her hands and stared at Emerald. "Tell me to my face that this," Rayna pointed to her horns, scales and showing her sharp teeth to her, "doesn't scare you!"

Emerald bit the bottom of her lip and looked away. She felt ashamed of herself.

Rayna lowered her head as more tears fell. "I thought so."

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