Birth of Team PRDE

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 8- Birth of Team PRDE

The Ursa roared before charging at Paige. She teleported behind the Ursa, changing Massacre Locks into their pistol form. She blasted electrical and fire bullets, the Ursa turned around on its hind legs and roared as the bullets hit along its body. Demin turned invisible and jumped in, slashing Black Star down on the Ursa's back, then he detached Black Star making it a chained scythe. Paige teleported up close with her Massacre Locks back in their tonfas mode, she slashed against the Ursa's legs bringing it down. Then another Ursa emerged from the bushes, only this one is an Ursa major, much bigger than a normal Ursa.

Unable to see Demin, Paige panicked. "Demin!?"

"Still here!" Demin became visible and thrown a scythe at the Ursa major's arm.

The curved blade wrapped around its arm, Demin tugged the chain and the Ursa major pulled back. It was a tug of war. The Ursa major stepped back pulling Demin along with it. Demin, given up on pulling, ran in circles wrapping the chain around its body and legs. Paige was still taking on the normal Ursa, spinning while slashing it's torso. She teleported behind again, slashing against spiked armor. The Ursa turned thrusting it's arm out. Paige did a back flip to gain some distance.

"God you're hard to kill." Then a plan was formed in Paige's head. "I know! Let's go for a ride," Paige smirked.

Paige teleported around as the Ursa try to locate her. Once Paige was close, she touched it's arm, teleporting the Ursa high up above the ground, over the trees. The Ursa seems to be confused on how it got into the air. The Ursa then started to fall back onto the ground on its back. The Ursa made a huge dent in the dirt ground. Paige took action, jumping on top of the Ursa, thrusting Massacre Lock into its throat, killing it. Paige brought her attention to Demin. He still has his chained weapon wrapped around the Ursa major. He pulled hard on the chain causing the Ursa major to twirl really fast. Demin drew back Black Star's scythe as the Ursa major was still spinning until stars appeared on top of its head.

"Paige!" He called.

"On it!" Paige jumped off of the Ursa's body making her way to the Ursa major.

She teleported up in the air, kicking the Ursa major on the chest. Stumbling backwards, Demin plunged the scythe in the ground and blasted at the Ursa major as specks of ice form along its black fur. He then wrapped the chained scythe around its legs bringing the Ursa major down, and Paige slash down on its neck.

"We make a pretty good team if I do say so myself," Paige beamed. Demin only shrugged and disappeared. "Hey! Where'd you go?" Paige looked around for the ninja boy.

"Still here." Demin reappeared behind Paige, startling her.

"God! How do you disappear like that?"

"It's my semblance. Like your teleportation, I can camouflage within my surroundings."

"That's awesome," Paige beamed.

"Come on, we should get the relic." Demin said as Paige followed him.

But then, coming out of no where a herd of boarbatusk burst out of the bushes rolling towards them.

"You've got to be kidding me!?" Paige yelled as she started to run.

Demin followed behind but he knew that they can't out run a herd like that, so he turned around gripping down on his weapon, waiting for the right timing to freeze the herd.

Paige stopped turning calling for her partner. "Demin! What are you doing?!"

That's when a figure jumped in front of Demin. The figure was a boy with blonde spiky hair and puce eyes in a red jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeves and he wears blue skinny jeans on his lower body with red and yellow striped sneakers.

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