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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 29- Lovers!?

Paige walked out of the hospital with Demin following behind. She let out sigh and looked back at the white building with sad brown eyes.

“Ya alright?” Demin asked.

“Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit worried,” Paige replied.

“Rayna will be ok.”

“I know. She’ll wake up and I believe that, but I don't understand why it's taking so long.”

“It's only been a day. She was pierced through the chest with an arrow it's gonna take a while for her to recover,” Demin explained.

Paige sighed, “Maybe you're right.”

“Hey guys!”

Paige and Demin turned to see Ruby waving and Weiss standing beside her.

“Hey,” Demin greeted. “You're visiting Yang?”

“Yep,” Ruby replied, then she held up a brown bag. “And brought some food. She have been complaining about getting some real grub instead of the hospital food.”

“Yeah, we actually just brought some food to Emerald,” Paige said.

“How is she doing?” Weiss asked.

“She's doing ok,” Paige answered. “Still waiting for Ray.”

“She still hasn't woken up yet, huh?” Ruby said.

“It's only been a day,” Weiss voiced. “She just needs a little more time.”

“Yeah, I know,” Paige said.

Demin placed a hand on her shoulder and looked to Ruby. “Why don't you guys go visit Yang. Is Blake already there?”

“Yeah she is, why don't you guys come with us?” Ruby insisted.

“No it's fine,” Paige wave.

“But I insist,” Ruby chipped.

Paige lightly smiled, “Alright fine.”

“Awesome, Yang will be happy to see you guys. Now come on!” Ruby ran off.

“There's no need to run, Ruby!” Weiss yelled.

Emerald watched as the nurses drew some blood from Rayna’s arm. After she woken up from her long sleep Emerald had called a doctor to check on her. The wound on her chest completely healed, like it was never there. When the nurses left, it was just Emerald sitting in the chair next to the bed Rayna was lying in.

Emerald stared into the red orbs that was staring back at her. Her heart was thumping against her chest as her body slightly quivered. She jerked when she felt Rayna’s hand on her's.

Rayna tried to sit up and winced in pain. Emerald reacted quickly, standing up as she help Rayna sit up, leaning her against the pillows. Rayna whispered a thanks and reached her hand out to touch her cheek.

Emerald, who finally got her wish, had nothing to say. When she tried to speak, her voice would get caught in her throat. It felt like something was keeping her from speaking.

Rayna was the one to break the silence, “Ya okay?”

Emerald nodded and asked, “How are you feeling?”

“A little sore and my chest hurts,” Rayna answered honestly. “But they gave me some painkillers so I should be fine.”

“Tha-That’s good,” she timidly said.

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