Demin Slayer

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Darkness blinds us,
From the path we sought,
From the path we chose,
From the path we follow

Chapter 3- Demin Slayer

The night is young, Demin walked through the campus of Haven Academy. Haven Academy is located in Mistral, one of the four kingdoms of Remnant.

Demin is 16 years old, he couldn't get any sleep, so he decided to get some air to clear his head He rubbed his tried blue eyes as he walked down to the forest behind the Academy.

He looked up to that night sky that's sparkled with bright stars as his silver hair rustled in the wind. He continued to walk round in his white top with a black star symbol at the bottom right corner and with the unbuttoned navy blue vest. He has a black scarf wrapped around his neck. He's also wearing a white bandana on his forehead with the black star symbol in the center and wearing his black jeans with a navy blue belt that also has the black star crest as the buckle. And hanging off of the belt on the right side is his weapon, Black Star.

Black Star is a double headed chain rifle scythe or know as a high velocity double chained scythe rifle. Black Star starts out as a metal bo staff. Once activated, each end of the staff, a black curve blade comes out facing away each other with four spikes behind the curve blades. The staff can split in half making two large black scythes, connected by a steel chain. In each scythe there is a rifle fused into it, near the top of the blade and all Demin needs to do is click a button on the staff part of the scythe for it to shoot out. Demin would usually plant the blade in the ground so the recoil wouldn't blow him away while he shoots out the blue dust. Both Black Star's scythe can also transform into a rifle, so it doesn't have to be in its scythe form for it to shoot. When the two scythes transform into a rifle, the two rifles will be connected by the same steel chain.

Demin felt the cool wind blew across his face, seeing the shadows of evergreen trees, hearing the rustles of the leaves. He was deep in the forest under the shining full moon. He took a deep breath and reached for Black Star with his black clothe wrapped around his palms.

"If you're gonna do a sneak attack, you should be more quiet." Demin got into in defence stance.

Out of the shadows, three dark figures jumped out, circling Demin. They looked alot like ninjas, with their dark clothes and scarfs covering their mouth and nose. On their heads, each ninja has a bandana with the star symbol, much like Demin's.

One has a red star, Rufous, the other has a blue star, Cyan and the last one has a yellow star, Gold. They bowed down towards Demin showing their loyalty.

"My lord, please, come back to the clan."

"I'm sorry, Rufous. But I can not," Demin replied.

"Then we'll just have to bring you back, by force," Cyan said.

Rufous and the other two ninjas got out their weapons. Rufous have a katana, the other two ninjas have a bo staff and shurikens.

The three ninjas lunged for Demin, as he waited. Rufous was ready to slash down on Demin with the dull part of the katana, when he disappeared suddenly, leaving no trace of him.

Rufous and Cyan scanned to area, but Gold knew Demin too well. He pointed to the sky as the other two followed his finger. They saw Demin in the air holding Black Star in it's chained scythe form. He threw down one of the scythes at the ninjas. They all scattered as the curved blade plunged into the ground. Demin withdrew the scythe, catching it as he gracefully landed.

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