The Fallen Warrior

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 28- The Fallen Warrior

All the huntsmen began to push back the Fang members and the other Grimm that stayed. Paige looked up at the giant dragon that stared at Rayna. All she could do is let Rayna take care of the Draco as she helped the other.

Rayna looked into the Draco's red glowing eyes. The Draco snorted letting out steam through her nostrils.

Why am I here? Asked the Draco.

"You were controlled," Rayna answered.

I remember now, those pesky humans! How dare they! Draco roared in anger. I am truly sorry for the damage I've caused. This is not how a Draco should act, I shall help by gathering the Grimms out of here.

"Thank you," Emerald said. "And we're also sorry. Our job was to protect from the Silver Fang, but in the end they got you."

No, you young huntress have nothing to apologize for. I should've kept my guard up, then this would happen. I am forever in your dept. The Draco then turned to Rayna, And you Draco, are becoming a leader, that is a good skill for a Draco.

"Yes," Rayna replied. "But Paige is my leader, she was the one that freed, you not us."

Draco turned looked to look at Paige then back at Rayna. Your leader is strong. She also possesses leadership, she is worthy to be followed. Draco started to flap her wings. I shall now take my leave with the rest of the Grimm. Draco bowed her head and roared. She flew off and the Grimm started to follow.

"You did it," Emerald said with a smiled. "The Grimm are leaving and the Fang are being pushed back."

"No we did it," Rayna said. "We defeated-!"

Before Rayna could finish, a sharp pain zapped through her body. She looked down to see a glowing green arrow in her chest. Rayna gasped in pain as she wobbled. She looked to Emerald for help. She could see the fear in those greens eyes.

'Why?' Rayna thought. 'Why does she have that look of fear, I thought she wasn't afraid me? So why? Why?!'

Emerald stared at Rayna in horror. She felt her heart shatter from the sight. Blood was pouring out of Rayna's black scaled chest as she wobbled on her four legs. Emerald felt her body run cold, she slightly turned her head to see a figure in the far distance with a crossbow.

"Spear!" Emerald growled.


Emerald's faunus ears perked up. When she turned back to Rayna, she saw her turned back to human, but she was close to the edge. Panic flare through Emerald's body as she jump forward, but it was too late. Rayna's footing slip and she began to fall.

"Em... erald..."

"NOO!!" Emerald screamed and leaped off after her.

Emerald reach out and grabbed onto Rayna's hand. She pulled her close to her body. She could see the ground growing closer and closer. Emerald looked at Rayna who had her eyes closed. She turned her body so that Rayna was on top and that she was on the bottom. Emerald knew she can't die, but Rayna can, so she decided to take the impact of the fall.


Emerald's cougar ears twitched and she looked into the distance to see Paige and Demin running towards them.

"Paige... PAIGE!!" Emerald screamed.

Paige gritted her teeth as she jumped into the air and teleported up to the falling girls. Paige wrapped her arms around Emerald and Rayna, and then teleported safely down to the ground. Emerald held Rayna close as Paige kneeled beside her with concern eyes. Paige reached out for the green arrow, but it shattered and dispersed leaving only a bleeding hole in Rayna's chest.

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