To Team PRDE!

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 20- To Team PRDE!

"It's good to be home!" Rayna flopped down on her and Emerald's bed.

"Don't get too comfortable," Paige said. "We have that party in an hour."

"Yeah yeah," Rayna said, her voice muffled by the bed. "I was stuck in the hospital for a week and a half, let me have my fun."

Emerald giggled as she sat down on the edge of the bed and Demin took a book from her bookshelf to read.

"Hold it you!" Emerald yelled and pointed to Damien as he raised an eyebrow. "Show me the book." Demin turned the book to show Emerald the cover of the book. Once she saw the book cover she nodded. "Okay you're good."

Demin smirked, "Don't worry Emerald. I won't be touching Ninjas of Love anytime soon."

Emerald blushed and crossed her arms. "I was just making sure."

"I should really try reading that book," Rayna said as she sat up indian style.

"Maybe I should too," Paige said.

"Oh no ya don't!" Rayna said. "You're still a niña!"

"I am no child!" Paige exclaimed. "I can ready adult books!"

"Not in my ojos!" Rayna said.

"Yeah okay, none of you are gonna be reading that book!" Emerald announced.

"Awe," both Paige and Rayna voiced saddly.

Demin only chuckled as he sat down on his and Paige's bed opening the book.

Paige came out of the bathroom in a beautiful orange dress and medium high heels.

"Wow Paige! You look so pretty. Muy bonita," Rayna said in her bright red dress.

"Thanks, and everyone looks great too!"

Demin was beside Rayna wearing a black tuxedo and Emerald was on the other side of Rayna wearing a mint green dress and her white beret.

"We should get going," Demin said.

"Alright! Let's go," Rayna chirped as she opened the door. "Team WRTH should already be at the ballroom."

They walked out of the dorm to the main building. It was dark out so they could see the stars. Rayna smiled and entwined her fingers with Emerald making her blush, Paige giggled at their cuteness. When they made it to the ballroom they were at a lost for words. The room was filled beautiful decorations with students chatting and dancing.

"Welcome to the party!" Yang greeted as she walked over with Blake behind.

Blake noticed Rayna holding Emerald's hand. She narrowed her eyes on her and growled. Rayna took a step back behind Emerald and chuckled, "This looks amazing!"

"Come on Blake," Yang patted her back, "give them a break."

Blake rolled her eyes and walked away.

"We'll see ya later," Yang waved as she followed Blake. "Oh! And if ya see Ruby, tell her I'm near the drinks!" she quickly added.

"Will do!" Paige said.

"Hey, you guys made it!"

They turned their head to see Hayden walking over with the rest of team WRTH following.

"Well hey there handsome," Rayna winked at him.

This time it was Emerald who growled. She narrowed her green eyes on Rayna and gripped her hand.

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