Emerald Amaryllis

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Ever so calm,
Ever so beautiful,
But every flower,
Has a flaw

Chapter 4- Emerald Amaryllis

Emerald walked down the sidewalks of Vale. She scan the people and buildings with her slanted green eyes. She fixed her white beret that's on top of her head and flipped her long blonde wavy hair as she walked. She walked pass an alley and noticed three guys bullying a dog faunus. Emerald growled, she tried to ignore it, walking pass, listening to the clicks of her white low-heeled boots.

Emerald wears a mint green v-neck zip-up sleeveless shirt that is white along the bottom and only goes up to the midriff. On the left top of the sleeveless zip-up shirt is her yellow cougar symbol. On both of her wrist, she wears two silver bracelets that has her symbol carved into in. She also wears a mint green detached sleeve on both of her arms. On her lower half, she wears white stockings and a two layered skirt. The inner layer is white while the outer layer is mint green. She wears a white scabbard belt along with the skirt, and next to the buckle was her symbol. She holds one of her weapons in the scabbard, she also has another scabbard belt strapped from her back, over the left shoulder to under the right arm.

Her weapons are Crown Leopard and Queen Blade. It's a high velocity twin gunblade revolvers, in other words, Crown Leopard and Queen Blade are dual swords that can shoot it's blade out like a bullet, but connected by a steel wire so it can be retracted. Both blades also has a revolver fused into its hilt along with her symbol carved in their blades. Crown Leopard is the sword in the scabbard by her right hip that has a green hilt while the one on her back, Queen Blake, has a red hilt.

Emerald speed walked all the way to Forever Fall. She look in the sight of the red leaves on the tree. She always like coming to Forever Fall to clear her head, the leaves of Forever Fall is always red no matter what. It remains her of blood.

She breathed in deeply before speaking, "You can come out now. I know your there."

Behind a tree came out a tall man that has brown hair dyed with red streaks that spike backwards in a windswept way along with his beast like ears. He wears a Grimm mask, that has red designs, over his upper face, covering his eyes. He has his black trench coat with split sleeves and more red designs on the left side. He wears long black pants and shoes that are red on the bottom.

Emerald growled, "Adam..."

"It's good to see you again, Emerald," he grinned.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to come back to the White Fang. I also want you as my partner."

"And if I don't?"

"Well that will be a problem for both of us, won't it?" Adam reached for his weapon.

"Why me? Why not ask your former parnter, Blake? You two looked like you guys had something going on," Emerald hissed.

"Let's just say that she declined that offer. She abandoned me for some blonde chick and monkey boy," Adam chuckled. "And besides, I heard you always had an eye for me."

"How would you know that!" She snapped.

"You're ex boyfriend/ former parnter, you know, Spear, has a very big mouth." Adam chuckled.

"That was long ago anyways. You chosed Blake over me so I was partnered up with Spear. And now you come running to me because she dumped you!" Emerald growled.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down kitty cat. I never said we were in a relationship. I just want to say that Blake and I had something special, ok? And you were only 11 when I chosed Blake, you were too young, and now that you're 17, I'd like you to be with me."

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