The Library

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PRDE - The Pride Within-

Chapter 14- The Library- Team WRTH

Winter walked around the library of Beacon. This library had rows of shelves stacked with many different books. Winter was looking for a book on different species of Grimm. She walked in between shelves, running her fingers along the books. Her blue eyes darted book to book until they land on a certain book. Confusion washed over her face as she took out the book. The title didn't say on the white, black, evergreen and red colored cover book, it only said on the spine of the book. While she was examining the book she didn't notice someone sneaking up behind her. A pair of hands was placed on her shoulders. Winter, being startled, jerked and the book fell out of her hands. She quickly turned around and was about to attack when she saw that it was her faunus partner, Taylor.

"What the hell were you doing?! You scared the heck out of me!" Winter snapped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that. You were so focused on that book that you didn't replied when I was calling you. I called your name like three times, I got in trouble for yelling," said Taylor.

"You were?"

Taylor nodded her head. Then her wolf ears were flattened against her head and her tail was drooped down between her legs. "Is something troubling you?"

Winter shook her head. "No." Winter picked up the book she dropped. "It's just that this book has a weird title."

"What do you mean?"

"Check it out." Winter show the side of the book.

Taylor looked closely and confusion also washed across her face. "Why is our team name on that book?"

"Exactly what I mean." Winter walked over to a table and sat down with Taylor sitting down next to her. "I want to see what this author's been writing about."

Winter opened to the first page and started to read what it said in the book.

Hello, my name is Realpg13. I'm sure one of you reading this is from team WRTH. I'm gonna say this before you start hunting me down and kill me, I just want my readers to know more about you cuz I just realized that I never really explained what the members of team WRTH really look like, their semblance and also their weapons. So that's what's this Author's Notes gonna be about, also there's a picture of them on top if you like to see.

"So this Realpg13 person wants to tell people about us," Taylor said.

"Well that's what this author just said in the book. Apparently, Realpg13 knows that one of us is going to read this sooner or later," said Winter. "Let's see what kind of information about us that this author exposed to the world."

Winter flipped to the next page and continue reading.

Let's start with their team leader Winter Schnee, sister of Weiss Schnee.

Winter's combat clothes is a white t-shirt with a blue bolero jacket, a two layered skirt like Emerald's, blue on the outside and white on the inside. She has a white belt with the snowflake symbol as the buckle and white high heeled boots. Her semblance is mirror. Much like Rayna's flames, Winter can only produce and manipulate mirrors. She mainly uses her weapon to produce and manipulate mirrors but she can use her hands too. Her weapon choice is much similar to Weiss, being a rapier as well. The only difference from Weiss's Myrtenaster is that her's can transform into a revolver that shoots different types of dust. The name of Winter's weapon, the high velocity revolver rapier, is Snow White.

Taylor Wrolf likes having her wolf ears and tail exposed. She wears a white t-shirt with a black jacket that has her white wolf symbol on the back. She wears black shorts that goes up to her knees and black heeled shoes. Taylor's semblace is jump boost. She can jump abnormally high, higher than a average human. She can jump above trees and above buildings, the more energy and power she puts in her feet and legs, the higher she jumps. Her weapon choice is the tri-bladed hand claw. It's starts out as black metal bracelets that Taylor wear's around her wrist, once activated it turns into black hand claws. The bracelets covers the back of her hand and loops around her hand forming a grip for the palms, three long claws pierce out from the top where the knuckles are. The name of her weapon is Claws.

Ralph Hounds wears a black hooded cape with a green shirt that has his back panther crest on the whole right side. He wears a black belt with his black jeans, and his black and green shoes. Ralph has the semblance call illusion. He can make his opponents see and hear whatever he wants. His weapon is a scimitar that can transform into a bow. The blade is a light green color that splits in half rotating down as a wire is drawn out from the tip forming a bow. Pulling the wire, green dust (creates wind) forms an arrow in between. He name his weapon Aeras.

Hayden Royal wears a red jacket that has two yellow stripes on the sleeves and his red swan symbol on the right shoulder of his sleeve. He wears a yellow belt and blue skinny jeans on his lower body with red and yellow striped sneakers. His semblance is force fields, he can create electromagnetic force fields, no matter how big or how small. Hayden's weapon is also a sword, it can split into two katanas and transform in to two high velocity pistols. The blade of the sword has a redish hue and splits along with its balck hilt to transform into two separate katanas. In between the blade and the hilt is the gun barrel. The blade can slide back into the hilt as it splits, sliding up to the gun barrels, turning into two pistols. The name of his weapon is Red Phoenix.

So that's all the info you need on Team WRTH, I hope u enjoyed that. Again sorry for the fake chapters but I thought it would be more fun to hide my Author's Notes in chapters that the character reads.

So until next time, stay toon for the real chapter 17, Peace Out ✌


"That's a lot of information Realpg13 gave away about us," said Taylor.

Winter breathed in deeply and slammed the book shut. She picked the book and walked up to the librarian.

"I'd like to take this book out, actually, I'd like to buy this book. How much?" Winter asked.

"What do you think you're doing?" Taylor asked.

"Buying this book, why else?" Winter smiled.

"Why are you buying the book from the library?"

"So no one else can read it." Winter continued to smiled.

Taylor was getting creeped out. Winter had never smiled that much. "You're mad, aren't you," Taylor said.

"Oh, Taylor," Winter chuckled. "More than mad." Winter smiled, then her face turned motionless as her eyes dulled. "I'm furious," she deadpanned.

Taylor felt chills go down her spine. She had to admit, she felt a hint of fear in her heart from seeing Winter this mad, or how she says it, furious.

"So, I'm guessing you're gonna go hunt this Realpg13 person down, right?" Taylor asked.

"You got that right," Winter said walking out of the library with the book. But before she walked out of the door she said one last thing to Taylor. "And this so called Realpg13, is going down, real hard. If this person thinks that he, or she, can get away with giving away personal information without getting caught, hurt, or anywhere near getting killed, then he or she are so wrong." Winter walked out while doing a hair flip.

"This Realpg13 person, is so dead," said Taylor.

I was on my laptop typing a new chapter for PRDE - The Pride Within- when I suddenly shivered. Really I mean it's in the middle of Summer, I shouldn't be feeling cold! And what else I had this feeling of fear, and the feeling that my life was in danger. I wonder why? Oh well, back to typing. (^-^)

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