Silver Fang

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter16- Silver Fang

Beep. Beep beep. Beep. Paige alarm clock started to go off when it struck 8:00 in the morning.

Rayna groaned and threw her pillow across the room, hitting Demin in the face. "Paige, shut your damn alarm clock off!"

Paige groaned and crawl out of her warm bed into the cool air of the morning. She slammed her hand on the clock and it stop. Demin sat up straight and thrown the pillow back at Rayna.

"Get up," Demin mumbled.

"You need to be louder in order to wake up Ray." Paige walked over to Rayna and Emerald's bed, kneeling down until her face was leveled with Rayna's. She took a deep breath and yelled in Rayna's face. "Wake UP!!"

Both Rayna and Emerald shot up. Rayna tumbled out of bed onto the floor along with the blanket, hitting her head. Emerald was covering her faunus ears.

"God, why do have to be so loud," Rayna grunted.

"How else am I gonna wake you up?" Paige smiled.

Rayna stood up tossing the blanket back on to the bed. She notice how Emerald was covering her ears.

"Hey, you ok?" Rayna asked.

"Yeah. I think Paige burst one of my ear drums," Emerald said.

"Great, look at what you did to my partner," Rayna said walking to the bathroom.

"Oh, she'll be fine." Paige waved Rayna off. "For now, everyone get ready for class."

Rayna and Emerald was dressed in their combat attire instead of their school uniform. It wasn't really a rule, you may choose to either wear your school uniform or your combat attire. They had sat themselves in the third row of professor Oobleck's class.

Emerald had her notepad neatly aligned in front of her on the off-chance that she would need it. Despite the lecture beginning in a few minutes, they exchanged brief glances and smiles before the teacher sped past them in a flash of white and green, standing behind his desk with a steaming cup in one hand and the other held neatly behind his back. He took one sip and greeted his class in one breath, moving swiftly on to the topic at hand without giving them a chance to respond.

Professor Oobleck pointed at the large map behind him as though his hand were a sword, zipping around the area at the bottom of the room with a comical speed. He spoke all at once, only pausing to take another drink or to wait for a students answer. Most of the information Emerald already knew, but she paid attention nonetheless, watching with interest more at the other students responses than the Professors questions. The majority of them were semi-knowledgeable about faunus history, but the only ones who actually knew more than the basics were faunus themselves. And of course being a faunus herself, Emerald knew the most.

Oobleck began to talk about faunus disguising themselves as humans to avoid detection. "Ears much were harder to hide than a tail, and provided nobody paid close attention, so most faunus could get away with the facade without too much trouble." The professor breathlessly told of subterfuge and infiltration, faunus disguising their ears as part of a mask or underneath a hat, stuffing their tails inside their pants or bandaging it to their backs to keep up the illusion.

Emerald notice her partner eyeing her beret that is on top of her head. She released a sigh knowing what her partner's thinking about.

The classes were over and team PRDE was back in their dorm. Emerald was reading in her bed while Rayna was sitting by the desk going over some notes from class. Paige and Demin was ready to head out.

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