Reality or Dream

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 19- Reality or Dream

Everyone walked to the headmaster's office to see Ozpin chatting quietly to professor Goodwitch.

"You wanted to see us?" Paige said.

"Yes indeed," Ozpin replied. "We have decided to take action."

"You said that the White Fang, I mean, Silver Fang will attack Beacon in 3 days, correct?" Goodwitch asked.

"Yes, that's what I heard," said Paige.

"Then we will have students prepare for the outcome and I'll send two of you to Vacuo to stop any the Silver Fang from obtaining the Draco," said Ozpin.

"Wait? You want two of us to go to Vacuo?" Paige asked.

"Yes," Ozpin stated. "I will need two volunteers to-"

"I'll go," Rayna called out. Everyone looked at her. "Vacuo is where I grew up before coming to Vale. I know my way around, and I have a pretty good guess as to where the Silver Fang is looking for a Draco."

"Very well then," Ozpin said. "We need one more."

"I'll go along with Rayna," Emerald spoke up. "I am her partner after all." She gave Rayna a smile.

"Then you two may head off tomorrow morning," said Goodwitch. "I'll have a bullhead ready to take you to Vacuo."

"Until then the rest of team PRDE will prepare with the other students," said Ozpin.

"What about us?" Weiss asked.

"You will help train the students, you are the famous team RWBY," Ozpin smirked. "But don't worry you're not alone. Come on in!" Ozpin called out.

The doors behind them opened and half of team JNPR and team CFVY came in. Pyrrha stood next to Nora while Velvet stood next to Yatsuhashi.

Paige started to squeal, "Oh my god! It's Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie from team JNPR." Paige ran up to them. "I'm a big fan. And of course, from team CFVY, Velvet Scarlatina and Yatsuhashi Daichi. Also a big fan."

"She's lively, that's for sure," said Pyrrha.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked Yang.

"Same as you guys," Yatsuhashi replied.

"We couldn't just sit around and do nothing while the White Fang, or whatever they call themselves now, do as they please," said Prryha.

"Yeah, they took my Ren and I'm not gonna do nothing, I'm gonna break all their legs," Nora said.

"Looks like everyone is energetic, but save that energy for the attack that's coming in three days," said Goodwitch.

"Everyone may be dismissed. You all need to rest up," Ozpin said.

Everyone walked out the office and down the hall.

"So where are all of you gonna stay?" Asked Paige. "Your old dorms are... not really yours anymore."

"Don't worry," said Weiss.

"We booked a hotel in Vale to stay in," Yang beamed.

"It's not that far away from Beacon," said Blake.

"We also did the same," Velvet replied.

"Then I guess we'll see you all tomorrow," Paige said.

As the sun sets, the shattered moon raises to the cold night sky, shining through team PRDE's open room window.

Rayna laid awake in bed having her back facing Emerald. She couldn't sleep knowing that she'd be going back to Vacuo.

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