Darkness at Work

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 12- Darkness at Work

Somewhere at an abandoned warehouse near the docks of Vale. Roman Torchwich and Adam with a couple of White Fang members was waiting for Cinder in the abandoned warehouse.

Torchwick has dark-green eyes and bright, long, orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. He wears a black bowler hat with a red band, and wears black eyeliner. Torchwick wears a red-collared white suit and a small gray scarf. He has black gloves with rounded sleeves, as well as long black pants and black shoes. His weapon is his cane, Melodic Cudgel. Melodic Cudgel initially appears as a normal cane; however, when used for combat, the base of the cane raises a reticle for aiming while also uncovering the muzzle.

"Ahh! Welcome back Cinder!" Torchwick greeted holding his cane.

"Hmm, good to see you too," she said with a smirk, walking through the warehouse doors.

Cinder's voice was sultry. She has black hair and glowing yellow-orange eyes, while her fingernails are painted dark red. She wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck minidress with yellow designs. The dress ends in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above the knees.

Walking in behind Cinder was Mercury Black, a well-built man with gray eyes and hair, partially slicked back while unkempt at the front. He also wears a gray and black two-tone partial-zip jacket, that covers his upper body and black pants, wearing two belts, one crossing the other.

And next to Mercury is Emerald Sustrai. Emerald is a thin female with dark skin and dark-red eyes. Her hair is a light, mint-green cut with a straight fringe and bangs, as well as two long locks on each side, in the back. She wears two bronze-colored rings on her middle fingers as well as a pair of high-heeled shoes.

"You're late," Adam stated.

"Calm down big boy, we're here now aren't we?" Cinder chuckled.

Adam growled.

"Ok now let's not fight, we're all here for one goal only, and that is revenge on team RWBY and JNPR," Torchwick said.

"Don't forget Beacon. We want to see that school burn to the ground," Mercury cut in.

"Indeed we do," Cinder agreed.

"Ok so what's our plan?" Emerald asked.

"An army of Grimm," Torchwick said.

"Grimm? An army of Grimm? How in the hell are we gonna keep an army of Grimm under our control?" Mercury questioned.

"Glad you asked," Torchwick grinned. "Mind control. I did some tinkering and managed to steal some ingredients from the Star clan," Torchwick waved to the faunus in the back. "Bring it!" He ordered.

The dog faunus in the back brought a black metal collar of some kind. It that three red circles and a green bar.

"What is that?" Emerald asked.

"This is our mind control device. Once we attach this to the Grimm's neck it will release a syringe in it's vain giving us control over their minds with this device." The dog faunus gave Torchwick a black radio transmitter. "If we give an order through this transmitter it will go to the collar and the Grimm will follow our every command." He turned to the dog faunus. "Bring out the Beowolf!"

The dog faunus went to the other White Fang members and came back with a huge cage. He unlocked the came and out came the Beowolf. The Beowolf was wearing the black collar as it came out howling.

Torchwick smirked. "Sit!" He spoke through the transmitter. The red circles on the collar glowed red and the Beowolf listened and sat down on the floor like begging puppy. "Now jump! Roll, howl, bark..." the Beowolf followed every command Torchwick gave. "So? What'd you think?" Torchwick smiled.

"Sweet!" Mercury said.

"That's awesome," said Emerald.

"Does it work on people?" Cinder wondered.

"It might..." Torchwick looked to the White Fang members. "Hey you!" Torchwick called out to the faunus with the mouse ears. "Come here!" He commanded. The mouse faunus hesitated but walked over.

"What are you doing?" Adam asked.

"Relax," Torchwick said. "Now, put this on." Torchwick handed the collar to the mouse faunus and he as told. The mouse faunus attached the metal collar onto his neck. "Let's see here... roll around like a dog." Torchwick said. The three red circles started on the collar around the faunus's neck started to glow. The mouse faunus dropped down to the floor and started to roll around like a dog. Torchwick turned to Cinder. "Seems to work on faunus."

"Hmm..." Cinder tapped her finger against her chin. "What I'm thinking, is instead of an army of Grimm. Why not an army of huntsmen and huntresses?"

"That's a great idea," Mercury said.

"You're thinking of taking control over the students at Beacon, aren't you?" Adam crossed his arms.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. We can even take control of previous students that graduated from Beacon... team RWBY and team JNPR. They will be under my command." Cinder smirked.

"You mean our command," Torchwick corrected.

"Right, our, our command," Cinder frowned.

"Great! So we'll get the army of Grimm and take over Beacon. Once Beacon is under our control we'll take over Remnant." Torchwick chuckled evilly.

"So exactly how are we going take over Beacon?" Adam asked.

"Patients is what we need." Cinder chuckled.

"So um... how many Grimms do you have under control right now?" Mercury asked.

Torchwick frowned. "Unfortunately we haven't had our hands on an army just yet."

"Some of our henchmen are moving over to Vacuo so we can get our hands on the most powerful Grimm," said Adam.

"Ah, yes. The most powerful Grimm, I have heard of this type of Grimm, what was it call again? Ah yes, I remember now, it was Draco," Cinder said.

"Wait? Draco? Isn't that specie of Grimm suppose be extincted?" Emerald said.

"Yes, at least that's what people believed. There's actually still one more of that specie left. And that last Draco lives on the island of the coast of Vacuo," Adam explained.

"Pretty soon we'll have the most powerful Grimm right under our control, then no one will be able to stop us!" Torchwick evilly laughed.

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* Author's Note *

Here's your new chapter, this is a sneak peak on what the evil are planing. The Grimm Draco I made up on my own and I'm not gonna explain this Grimm just yet, you'll just have to wait for the future chapters. The story so far will be slow with more partner and team bonding so the action will come later, I'm not sure but don't worry I have very thing planned out. So I'll see you next time, mostly in two days cuz of the rapid fire week, well see ya (^-^)


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