Fighting with Fire

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PRDE -The Pride Within-

Chapter 13- Fighting with Fire

Rayna and Emerald was in professor Oobleck's class sitting in the third row. Paige and Demin had a different class at the moment. The teacher speed around, the students only seeing green and white, thick round glasses obscured his eyes while a yellow tie hung loosely around his creased white shirt, half tucked into his dark green pants.

Emerald notice Winter and Taylor sitting in the front row. She can see Taylor's wolf ears perked up listening to Oobleck's words.

Emerald was trying to concentrate, but sitting on the other side of the room was a boy with dark blue hair tied in a short ponytail wearing his school uniform. From where Emerald was sitting she can see him throwing crumbled up paper at another boy with gazelle antlers. He sniffles a laugh as he throws the paper at the poor faunus.

Emerald clenched her hands as a deep growl escaped her throat. The growl was low so no one can hear, but Rayna, sitting right next to her, heard it. She glanced at Emerald to see her gritting her teeth.

Rayna patted Emerald on the back and whispered, "Ignore him. You can't really do anything in class."

Emerald took a deep breath knowing Rayna was right.

Rayna and Emerald met up with Paige and Demin who was sitting with team WRTH in the cafeteria. Paige was sitting next to Demin who was sitting on one side with Winter and Taylor. On the other side sat Hayden and Ralph. Rayna and Emerald took the seat next to the boys.

"You seemed to be in a bad mood," Hayden said, seeing the angry expression on Emerald's face.

"Yeah, during class we saw this chico bullying a poor gazelle faunus," Rayna said.

"I see what you mean, I was there," Taylor said.

"You were just as angry as Emerald is right now," Winter said.

"Do you know who the boy is?" Paige asked.

Rayna opened her mouth to answer when Emerald stood up growling, "Skye..."

Everyone followed her glare across the cafeteria to the boy with blue hair tied in a short ponytail. He was yanking on the gazelle faunus's antlers.

"Is that him?" Paige asked.

"Yep, that's him," Winter replied. "Skye lord, leader of team SABR."

"Who's the faunus?" Ralph asked.

"Su nombre es Axis, in other words, his name is Axis. He's Skye's partner," said Rayna.

"Wait, so he's bullying his own partner?" Hayden asked.

"That's what it looks like right now," said Demin.

"Let go!" Axis cried as Skye tugged on his gazelle antlers.

"Are the other two members gonna do anything about this?" Ralph asked.

"If you mean Blue and Roxas, their just sitting there laughing," Paige pointed.

The other two members of SABR, Blue and Roxas, sat across from Skye and Axis, laughing.

"I can't believe I ended up with a dirty faunus as a partner," Skye said, pushing Axis to the floor.

This time Taylor stood up snarling. It looked like both Emerald and Taylor was about to pounce on him and rip his head off, but they know they can't, or else they'd be in big trouble. But that's doesn't mean they can't say anything.

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