Chapter 1

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Sana's POV

I am currently setting up the one year anniversary party for Twice when suddenly I heard Tzuyu made an announcement.

Tzuyu: Well you guys are lucky, my brother Y/N said that he is free tonight and will attend the party

Tzuyu's older brother, Chou Y/N, one of the most best Formula 1 driver in the world, he has won the 2014 and 2015 Formula 1 world champion. Even though I am not interested in Formula 1 I knew about him because he is always on the news. Also his looks, yes his looks, of course he is handsome, he is Tzuyu's brother after all and Tzuyu is so cute so how can he not be good looking. Maybe I will seduce him later haha. 



Currently I am living in Seoul because my mom wants me to take care of my younger sister Tzuyu. Tonight I will attend a party that she told me to go to cause she want to introduce me to Twice. If I am honest, I am not a big fan of Kpop so I have not much interest in them. But here I am so I might as well just enter

ding dong

Tzuyu opened the door and greeted me but before she could finish her sentence, I heard someone scream...


Then I saw a girl trip while running down the stairs.

Tzuyu: Oh my god Sana unnie can you be more careful and control your hormones 

Sana: I'm ok, you must be Y/N, Tzuyu's brother. My name is Sana (checks you out)...... Your future wife (mumbling).

Y/N: What did you say?

Sana: Nothing, just nice to meet you.

Throughout the whole dinner party was so weird, that girl named Sana was so clumsy and cute but she kept flirting with me. Even though I have no interest in Twice and Kpop, but I think she is very cute. But at this moment I think I should focus on winning the 2016 Formula One World Championship. 

After dinner, I decided to take my leave but before I can leave Sana stopped me at the door.

Sana: So...... do u wanna hangout sometime just the two of us?

What do I do now? Sana is really cute and asked me out on for a date, I just recently broke up with my ex girlfriend a year ago to focus on my career. Before I could answer Tzuyu spoke.

Tzuyu: Yes he does, he has been dried for a year now.

Sana: YAY! Here is my number (takes your phone and adds her number to your phone), Call me.

Y/N: Ok......

After that I decided to leave and have a walk with my sister Tzuyu before going back home which gave me some time to chat with her about the girls and get to know them more.

Y/N: So is Sana always like that?

Tzuyu: Yea she's always so touchy and flirty, but I think she finds you very hot that's why she wanted to date you.

Y/N: I don't know about a relationship

Tzuyu: You have broke up with your ex girlfriend for a year now and you know how dad always wants you to get married and have kids.

Y/N: Fine I'll give it a try

After that chat, we both went our own ways and headed home. Once I was home I texted Sana.

So I guess I am going to the Singaporean Grand Prix with Sana then

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So I guess I am going to the Singaporean Grand Prix with Sana then.

So, that's the first chapter I don't know if this is good or not. I am a new author and this is my first book so please spread the word for me. 

Also it is I am graduating this summer so I might be busy and idk when I will update next.

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