Chapter 43

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Today is the day. The big day, the day I finally marry Sana. I have waited for this day every since the day I proposed to her. On the way to the wedding, my heart was beating really quickly and I feel very nervous. I have never felt this nervous before, not even when I was fighting for the Formula 1 World Champion back in the day. This is some new feeling for me and I need to calm the nerves down before the wedding. 

Arriving at the wedding venue didn't help me calm my nerves, it just made me more nervous than before. Maybe if I saw Sana I will calm down a little bit. Speaking of Sana, I wonder where she is right now, I haven't seen her at all. However, before I had a chance to ask or find where Sana is, I was taken to a room to prepare myself where I was greeted by my parents and my best man, Charles Leclerc.

Charles Leclerc: Bro, are you nervous about getting married?

Y/N: That's not helping me calm my nerves mate.

Mom: Darling, enjoy it. You only get married once.

Dad: If you are lucky maybe you will get married twice haha.

Well that talk has definitely not helped me calm my nerves. This is one of the biggest day of my life, my mom was right I only get married once and I should enjoy this moment. I looked at myself, in a tuxedo. I rarely wear something this formal, this is truly an iconic moment. I wonder how Sana looked today, she should look really pretty even though in my eyes she is always pretty no matter the moment.

Sana POV

I was in my room getting readied with the help of my mom. I wonder how Y/N is feeling right now because I am very nervous right now. 

Sana's mom: Sana, you are all grown up now. I just can't believe you are finally getting married. It seems like yesterday when you are going to school for the first time and now you are moments away from walking down the aisle with your father. Things are going too fast (sobs).

Awwww is my mom crying, if she starts crying I'm going to emotional too. Like my mother said, I can't believe I am finally getting married. I am going to have my own family soon, but I am a big girl now. I have moved to another country on my own, had a very successful career as an idol and now I am getting married. 

After finishing my make up and doing my hair. I looked myself in the mirror, I could not believe how pretty I look in this dress. Tears started to form in my eyes just because of how emotional I was getting. I always see people getting married on TV and how they all tear up before the wedding and I am now feeling that emotion. A few minutes later, my life is going to change completely.

Sana's Dad: Sweetie, don't cry. Come on let's go.


After spending a lot of time getting ready, it is finally time for the ceremony. I head over to the stage with my best man Charles as my parents went to sit on the front row seats. I was standing there with Jihyo who will be the witness, Charles just waiting for this to start. The clubhouse door opened, signalling the beginning of mine and Sana's wedding. I can't believe what I am seeing in front of my eyes, it was Sana in a wedding dress. She was perfect......

As Sana and her dad walked down the aisle, my heart beat kept increasing

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As Sana and her dad walked down the aisle, my heart beat kept increasing. My whole life is about to completely change. Not in a bad way because I really want to marry Sana. Sana and his dad arrived to the stage and he gave Sana's hand to me......

Sana's Dad: Take good care of my little girl Y/N.

Jihyo: Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today to witness the marriage between a couple who love each other very much. Chou Y/N and Minatozaki Sana. May the groom start by reading his vows to the bride. 

Y/N: Sana, I would be lying if I said I fell in love with you the first time I met you. However, after time I realised my feelings for you get more and more serious. After what we have been through, all the break ups and factors trying to split us apart, we still managed to get together at the end. I would be stupid if I don't give you a name, so here I am today marrying the girl that I truly love. You have made me happy during the times we were together and I promise I will take good care of you for and be with you no matter what happens in the future. I will always stay by your side.

Jihyo: Now over to the bride to read her vows to the groom.

Sana: Y/N, we have been through our highs and lows together. I was devastated when I saw the news about your crash a few years ago. After the crash I was at rock bottom, I didn't treat myself right and cried a lot. But I was also at my happiest during the day you proposed to me. However, that was all in the past, we should look at the future. Y/N, promise me that you will stay by my side no matter what happens in the future.

Jihyo: So Chou Y/N, are you willing to take Minatozaki Sana as your legal wife and stay with her through good times or bad times, rich or poverty or disease?

I looked into Sana eyes, and nodded as Jihyo gave me the ring to put over Sana's wedding finger.

Jihyo: Minatozaki Sana, are you willing to take Chou Y/N as your legal wife and stay with her through good times or bad times, rich or poverty or disease?

Sana wiped a few tears off her eyes and nodded as Jihyo did the same by giving her a ring to put over my wedding finger.

Jihyo: By the power of the Japanese law and the power of me and all the audience here to witness, I announce you both as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

I pulled Sana into a hug and kissed her. After the ceremony many people were congratulating us. 

Dad: Son you are all grown up now, make sure to take care of your wife.

Mom: Darling, I can't believe you are a married man now. Take good care of yourself and your wife.

Y/N: Don't worry mom, I can't believe it too.

Charles Leclerc: Bro congratulations.

Y/N: Thanks bro, you and Charlotte next right? 

Charles Leclerc: It's a bit too early to say it bro haha.

Finally after all the difficult times and Jennie stuff, me and Sana got together for good at last. We are finally married, nothing can separate us anymore. I still remember the first time I met her when I was first taken to the Twice dorm and meeting her there. Part of me still can't believe that after all that has happened, the person I end up spending the rest of my life will be Sana. Nevertheless, it is what it is and if I am honest, I can't be happier that I finally married Sana and I can't wait for this exciting new chapter of our lives together. 

So Y/N and Sana finally got married. I don't know how weddings work so I just wrote this chapter out of my imagination of how a wedding works. So comment below on what have I got wrong and needs changing so I could revise it.

The next chapter will be the final chapter. So there is still time for a big plot twist, even though it is looking like a happy ending it might not be so stayed tuned for the real finale. I have published the next chapter already so make sure to check it out.

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