Chapter 9

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Today is the big day. The day that I will make my first collaboration with BLACKPINK. If I'm honest, I'm a big fan of them. Ever since their debut I have fell in love with them. Their style of music, the sexiness of the members and just the hype that everyone got on them made me love them big time. 

I am very nervous because I don't know what am I going to expect in this collaboration. Hopefully I get to meet them after the event. Oh god if I meet them I think I might faint, they are so cool and sexy. I definitely need to keep calm on during the show or else I might crash my car which would not be a good first impression to BLACKPINK and also it's going to make this show a disaster. Speaking of the car, the team has repainted it into BLACKPINK and I have been looking forward to seeing it since they told me about this special livery. 

AN: I designed this back in 2016 and I just wanted to post this special livery haha

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AN: I designed this back in 2016 and I just wanted to post this special livery haha.

As I entered backstage, I can't believe what I saw. It was BLACKPINK. They were just sitting there, oh god calm down Y/N don't fanboy on them or you will look dumb and ruin the first impression.

Y/N: Hi.

BLACKPINK: Hello you must be Y/N,  we are BLACKPINK.

Y/N: Haha yea, I'm Y/N and I'm a big fan.

Rosé: Looking forward to our first collaboration.

Y/N: Me too, may there be more to come.

After that I took my leave and got back to my crew for final preparations before the roadshow.

Jennie POV

Wow, that guy is hot. No wonder why he was in a dating scandal with Sana before. I want him so bad. Because I am Jennie Kim, I get what I want most of the time, this Y/N guy is going to be my new boy toy. Once I get him, he will be addicted to me and won't be wanting to leave. 

Jennie: I want that hot guy.

Jisoo: Eh?

Rosé: Unnie you need to stop saying that to every single male athlete you meet.

Lisa: Rosé there's no point stopping her and you know it.

Jennie: Nobody dares to fight me for him, I will get him and watch him become my new boy toy.

Timeskip to after the concert


After a successful show, I went back to the backstage and was once again greeted by BLACKPINK. Honestly, BLACKPINK are so talented and cool, I really love them. I was properly fanboying them during the whole show and now to get the chance to hangout with them backstage. I must be the luckiest guy on earth. 

A couple minutes of chatting later, it is time for me to head back home. However, before I could leave I was flagged down by Jennie. Wonder what does she want.

Jennie: Hey hot stuff. Do you want to hangout tomorrow?

Y/N: Ummm sure, why not?

Jennie: Cool, now give me your phone number.

After exchanging our contacts, she gave me her gummy smile and then I left the venue to head back home for some rest.

After exchanging our contacts, she gave me her gummy smile and then I left the venue to head back home for some rest

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Once I arrived home, I started to think about Jennie and what she said kept replaying in my mind

Jennie: Hey hot stuff.

She called me hot stuff? What is happening. Not going to lie, she is very sexy herself, but why would she call me hot stuff? What's her intentions, if I had to be honest, she looks like she's going to be my worst nightmare but then again that gummy smile she gave me when we exchanged contacts. I swear her duality is going to kill me one day.

Suddenly when I was deep in thought about Jennie, my promise with Sana pop up to my mind. Now I face a big decision. Do I keep my promise with Sana and stay away with Jennie because Jennie is dangerous or do I give myself a free road and take my chances with Jennie. This is a big dilemma and a difficult decision to make. This is my only chance to have a shot with the Jennie Kim, the girl that many many people are fantasising about but breaking the promise with Sana might mean that I am cheating on her. Plus I'm pretty sure once I picked Jennie there is no going back, that girl is dangerous and she is going to make me addicted to her. Come on Y/N what should you do?

Jennie POV

Tomorrow, I am going to make him mine. He is not going to escape from me. 

Lisa: Unnie why are you smiling like that?

Jennie: Oh nothing.

I had a big grin on my face right now knowing that Y/N is definitely going to fall for me. I will get what's mine and claim him all to myself, if anyone is trying to get with Y/N they need to fight the Jennie Kim for it and I won't make it easy for them.

Oh god I can't wait for tomorrow. 

So that's another chapter. Please tell me how I did on this chapter. I think it's a bit short still but it's all about Y/N meeting BLACKPINK for the first time. I will try and make the next chapter as juicy as possible. 

I want some feedback on how to make my chapters better. So criticism on the negatives would be accepted too. Please vote for this book and continue to support this book. It means a lot to me and gives me motivation to continue writing and improving it during my school days. 

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