Chapter 27

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Off season, my favourite time of the year. It is the only time I could sit back and do absolutely nothing. Not that I am going to do anything the upcoming year. However, I still want to sit back and relax after all the hard work I have done in the past. I deserve this break. 

Staying in Seoul is a bit boring. I have moved houses and changed my car so I have sort of restored my privacy. Some media are still trying to get my attention when I head out to crowded places. Maybe I should go somewhere for a vacation and have a bit of a break. Yes I should go on a break with Sana. I've never been on vacation with her in the past. 

Y/N: Sana.

Sana: Hm?

Y/N: Seoul is boring, let's go somewhere for a vacation.

Sana: Sure (excited), let's go to Hawaii.

Y/N: Why Hawaii, I was thinking somewhere like Norway so we could watch the Northern lights.

Sana: Because I don't want to go to Norway, it's cold (pouts).

Ugh, that pout. It always annoys me because Sana can do that and get whatever she wants. Guess we are heading to Hawaii for my well earned off season break. 

Y/N: Fine I'll book hotels and flights now (rolls eyes). 

Whilst I was busy checking the internet and planning our holidays. Sana was busy packing literally everything into the suitcase like we are leaving tomorrow. Looking at her packing happily makes me happy too. I'm glad that I made the correct decision to leave the athlete world and spend more time with her. Sana has brought joy and happiness to my life before and I am looking forward to many more years of joy and happiness in my life as long as I am with her.

Time skip

Today is the day we are heading over to Hawaii. Me and Sana can't wait and you can definitely see that Sana was very excited. Jumping all around the apartment and humming. She was very excited about this trip as this will be our first vacation together. I loaded my SUV with two big suitcases and drove to Incheon Airport.

As we arrived Incheon Airport, Sana put on her disguise to avoid any physical contact and recognition from fans at the airport. 

We got through the check ins and security quite smoothly. Now that we are at the restricted zone of the airport, we could finally relax a bit. I never liked airports, it's too annoying and too crowded at times. As a racing driver, I have travelled to a lot of different places. I never looked forward to travelling because it usually means I have to work, but this time, the feeling was different. I am very much looking forward to this holiday. 

Sana dragged me to the duty free section as she kept her disguise on. Wandering from shop to shop trying on perfume and smelling them. The whole time I was just accompanying her while she does her own stuff. Suddenly a girl who was quite pretty in her early 20s walked towards me.

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, sorry but who are you?

???: I am a big fan of you, can I take a photo with you?

Y/N: Sure of course.

After taking the photo with that fan, I got back with Sana. She was still picking perfume which frankly was a bit annoying for me. Given that I have no interest in shopping for perfume and she is taking all the time she has to look at perfumes was testing my limits. I decided to risk it and ask a question that no man has ever dared to ask.

Y/N: Sana are you done yet?

Sana: You're paying for all these (throws the perfumes at you).

Wow what is her problem now. One moment she was all happy and now suddenly she is being cold towards me. What did I do wrong?

Y/N: Why are you acting like this now?

Sana: You know what you did (angry)?

Y/N: What did I do? 

Is she perhaps jealous about me taking a photo with that female fan? I don't get girls, they could be jealous about the tiniest things. Me and Sana started to have a slight argument about what I just did. Well this is a nice way to start a vacation is it, me and Sana arguing in public. We are actually attracting quite a lot of attention with our little argument here. 

A few people must have caught a glimpse of us and recognised who we are as I have no disguise on myself because a crowd started to head our way. Before causing a big scene I quickly grabbed Sana's hand and ran all the way towards the boarding gate.

After a few minutes of running, we finally made it to the boarding gate. As if on cue, boarding procedures are about to start. I looked back and there was no fans chasing after us which was good. We both tried to catch out breath after all that running and boarded the plane together.

Y/N: Well that was close.

Sana: Hmph, I'm not done being mad at you.

There she goes, back to ignoring me again

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There she goes, back to ignoring me again. Both of us were very exhausted from the running we did to escape the fans. Now that we have a 15 hour plane journey, we could finally have some sleep. I decided to watch a few movies first and as I looked over, Sana was already asleep leaning on my shoulder.

Time skip to arrival at Hawaii

After 15 hours of flight time, we have finally arrived at Hawaii. As we exited Honolulu airport, the Hawaii heat hit my face. This feels so good, this feels like paradise. Sana is definitely enjoying this feeling as she has a big smile on her face. 


We went to the rental village next to the airport and picked up the rental car that I have booked and drove to the hotel. Quickly going through the check in process we got our room and settled down unpacking our stuff and readied for our first vacation together. Sure I might not have got the opportunity to go the Norway to watch the Northern lights, but Hawaii gave me a paradise and relaxed vibe. Maybe this would be a great opportunity to finally relax for good after many years of competition and being on top of my game in the F1 world. Maybe I am going to enjoy this vacation.

A bit of a fluff chapter. Not much plot in this chapter but I promise more plot will be involved in the next chapter. Still feel free to guess in the comments about what role Y/N is going to take up after retiring as an F1 driver.

Thank you very much for all the reads. We are so close to 3k. When I first started this book I never thought it would even reach 1k reads. So thank you very much for all your support and continue to support this book.

Finally, I have a report due in 2 weeks so I will be focusing on that instead so don't expect frequent updates from me. 

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