Chapter 20

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Tzuyu POV

It feels very weird. Part of me thinks that the article was a lie and that Jennie just did that so she could gain some publicity or is my brother really secretly gay. I need to find the truth behind this and also behind what happened between Y/N and Jennie. There is no way Y/N is gay, if he was I would have known and seen it long ago. But then again he said that he will stay in Europe and won't come back until Chinese New Year. I decided to call Y/N just to see if everything is ok and if I can get some information from him. I dialled his number only to find out someone with a French accent picked up his phone.

???: Hello?

Tzuyu: Wait is this not Y/N's number?

???: Oh yes sorry, Y/N is busy right now. I'm Charles by the way and you are?

Tzuyu: Chou Tzuyu, Y/N's sister

Charles: Ok I'll tell him call back.

Now this is very weird, why does Charles has Y/N's phone and who is this Charles guy. Is Y/N staying with some guy named Charles? Maybe Jennie wasn't lying after all and I actually do have a gay older brother. No way Jennie is correct, she definitely made up this so she could make Y/N suffer. I panicked and continue dialling Y/N's number. After about 15 tries, he finally picks up.

Y/N: Tzuyu what's up?

Tzuyu: Why did you break up with Jennie?

Y/N: I thought you didn't like me dating Jennie so I dumped her.

Tzuyu: This isn't the time for jokes pabo, do you not know the news about yourself?

Y/N: Oh about me being gay?

Tzuyu: Yes now please tell me that Jennie is lying.

Y/N: No she's not lying, I'm actually dating Charles (laughs).

I can't believe Y/N. Even after all this mess he got into with the news he is still able to maintain his characteristics of making a joke out of everything. This got me very mad, he seriously does not take anything seriously apart from racing. 


Y/N: Okay fine, I'll tell you. Jennie dumped me for no reason and then the next thing I know someone released this onto Koreaboo. So if you want to know more about it you are better off asking Jennie herself.

I knew it. It was Jennie all along. This is why I never liked that Jennie girl. She is such a spoilt brat and she thinks she can get everything she wants or have everything going your way. Well guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you. If you can't have Y/N then find someone else to toy around. My brother is not a toy for you so you could play him however, you want like a doll. I really need to find out the truth behind this.

I was thinking how could I get to the bottom of this. Think Tzuyu, you need a good plan. If I go directly to Jennie and ask, she's going to give me the same story as Koreaboo has got. But then again currently only Jennie knows the truth behind this story. I really wanted to help Y/N but I really can't. Maybe Nayeon unnie could help since she's friends with Jennie.

Tzuyu: Nayeon unnie (clings onto Nayeon).

Nayeon: Ahh why are you this clingy Tzuyu?

Tzuyu: Nothing just spending time with my favourite and pretty unnie.

Nayeon: Pretty? Thanks, wait you want my help don't you.

Tzuyu: Can't outsmart our pretty bunny unnie haha.

Nayeon: Let me guess it's about Y/N and Jennie.

Tzuyu: I don't think the truth is that simple, I asked Y/N and he gave me a completely new story.

Nayeon: Ok I will help you because Y/N is too handsome to be gay.

Tzuyu: Thank you so much unnie.

Nayeon POV

I didn't know why I agreed Tzuyu to help her find the truth. Maybe I have a little crush on Y/N too, ah Tzuyu why does your brother has to be that handsome. Is this the Chou family genes. But how do I ask Jennie for the truth. Jennie is a girl who does very well in lying. She is the type of girl who can turn a lie into a truth and nobody will know which is a lie which is the truth from her. Think Nayeon, you need this to work because if Y/N isn't gay you will have a bigger shot of dating him than Sana. Oh Y/N you better not be gay, you now have 3 girls lining up to fight for you you lucky boy.

I feel like if I call Jennie and ask won't be good. I need to meet her and ask her face to face maybe I should pretend that I want to hang out with her and then ask. But how will I ask her though because if I just ask straight out she won't tell me anything. I know, let's go to a karaoke with Jennie on New Years day so I can make her drunk and then she will say everything out.

 I know, let's go to a karaoke with Jennie on New Years day so I can make her drunk and then she will say everything out

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A bit of a short chapter. I am nearing my graduation soon so I won't have time to upload that much. I will upload as soon as possible over the Easter holidays but I have 3 essays due straight after Easter so I don't know if I can manage my time well. I will try my best to upload as soon as possible. This book is far from finished so please stay here until the end. Apologies if I can't upload regularly but I am so busy.

Thank you for all your previous support, we finally hit 1k readers. The next milestone is 1.5k reads and 200 votes. So continue reading and continue voting. I will see you guys when I have time. Sorry in advance if I kept you hanging for too long.

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