Chapter 39

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I didn't even stay at Bahrain for Pre Season testing, heading back to Seoul, I am officially unemployed. Many people my age would think that this is a bad thing, but for me I see this as an opportunity. I get the luxury of spending time with family and loved ones also the chance to explore opportunities and new ideas. Not having the responsibility of work means I can kick back, relax and enjoy my life as a retired Formula 1 driver. Even though I haven't decide what do I want to do in the future, I definitely would like to stay in the world of motorsport. Maybe start my own team or be a pundit, something like that.

Arriving at Seoul, I quickly went back home to drop down my luggage. Even though I am tired and needed a rest after the long flight from Bahrain, I need to go somewhere and sort out my happiness and my future. I went back home, dropped my luggage and left home without even giving my mom a proper greeting.

Y/N: I'm back.

Mom: Y/N welcome home, are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich.

Y/N: I'm going out.

Mom: That soon? You literally just came back.

Why are all mother's this annoying, obviously I would like to eat something and take a break after being on a plane for 8 hours. But I am a busy man even when I don't have a job, I have places to be. 

If you are wondering where I'm going, I'm heading to the Twice dorm so I could fix things with Sana. Ever since Tzuyu told me the truth, I happened to just click and feel like I need to fix things between me and Sana. No wonder why I don't feel anything back when I was dating Jennie. Anyways it must be hard for Sana seeing his boyfriend get involved in a crash that ended up in a coma and waking up dating another girl. 

I stood outside the Twice dorm with a banquet of flowers in my hand like a high school student trying to ask a girl to be his prom date. Making sure I am in tip top shape, I rang the doorbell and Jihyo opened the door.

Jihyo: Y/N.

Y/N: I'm here for Sana?

After opening the door, Jihyo shouted really loudly into the house trying to get Sana to come to the door. How do people live with that voice shouting at you at every single possible moment.

Jihyo: SANA, Y/N IS HERE (shouts).

Sana: I don't want to see him.

Jihyo: Sorry Y/N, she doesn't want to see you. It's nice seeing you standing up ok again.

To be honest, I was devastated in this situation, but also I expected it. Who want to see their partner who left them in the past showing up in front of their door out of nowhere. Even though Sana said she doesn't want to see me, I will not leave. I am a man and I will persevere, a man stands outside the door and wait for the girl he loves at all cost. 

Sana POV

Ugh, why does Y/N have to show up. I don't want to see him but at the same time I want to see him as well. It has been so long since I've seen him. I am so conflicted because I really did miss Y/N. I hope he's given up and went back home.

I peeked out the window to see if he is still outside waiting and much to my annoyance, he is. I am not ready to face him or get back with him again because I am scared that I will lose him for the third time and that is the last thing I want to happen.

Almost on cue, it started to rain. Surely Y/N is going to give up and leave me alone. However, his mental strength must be really strong, because he is still waiting outside. The rain was pouring down and he is just stood there outside getting soaked and all wet without an umbrella. I don't know if I should call him stubborn or strong. I can't watch this, this hurts me too much. What if he gets a cold? That would be my fault if he get's a cold so I decided to stop staring at him and went back to watching TV in my room.

Jihyo: You are really leaving him out there in the rain?

Sana: Yes and nobody open the door for him.


I was standing outside the Twice dorm just waiting for Sana to open the door and forgive me. I need to show her how much she means to me which means standing out here waiting for her at all cost. Suddenly, it started pouring down with rain. However, I can't leave. As much as I want to give up and go home, I can't leave because once I leave it will mean I'm weak and I need to show Sana that no weather can destroy my feelings to her.

Rain was pouring down and I was getting myself all wet. I really should have checked the weather beforehand, if I had checked the weather I would have brought an umbrella. I was getting really wet and uncomfortable with my clothes all soaked in water. The rain was constantly dripping on my head. Out of nowhere, I felt the rain had stopped, nothing was dripping on me anymore. I looked over and saw.......

 I looked over and saw

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Y/N: Tz-Tzuyu?

Tzuyu: Dummy, I know you would be here waiting without an umbrella. I brought a towel and some fresh clothes for you. Mom was really worried about you.

Y/N: How did you know I was here.

Tzuyu: We came from the same mother, our thoughts are basically connected. Now do you want to come in and talk with Sana or are you going to continue standing there under the rain.

I followed Tzuyu into the dorm after she opened the door for me. I was instructed by Jeongyeon to head directly to the bathroom to dry myself up first because she said she doesn't want the water dripping all over the dorm. 

After drying up, I went to Sana's room and knocked on her door. However, there was no response so I tried opening the door and it was unlocked. I went in and there she was, sleeping very peacefully. She was perfect, I swear I do not deserve her after what I previously did to her. I can't help myself but to look at her perfect features. As I got closer, I started to stroke her hair lightly trying to not wake her up which didn't work well because a dozen brushes in her eyes started to flutter signalling that she was waking up. Crap I am in trouble, she can't see me here because she said she doesn't want to see me.

Sana: Hmmmm, stop bothering me I'm trying to sleep...... Y/N (shocked)?

So how do you think Sana will react when he sees Y/N in his room after specifically saying that nobody should let him into the Twice dorm.

This book is at it's final stretch and please vote in the comments below if you want a happy ending or a sad ending. Each person can only vote once. I have not decided when the voting will end but I will make an announcement one day prior to the closing of the voting. Please do vote as Y/N's fate lies within your hand.

I might make an online poll for the vote and if I do the link will be in the next chapter and on my announcement board so please check out for that. 

Once again, thank you very much for reaching 6k readers. I will see you next chapter which will hopefully be published tomorrow.

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