Chapter 44

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Five years later


Ethan: Papa, mama. I had so much fun today (excited).

Currently I am driving Sana and my son Ethan home from our local karting track. Like many married couples we decided to start our own family. Ethan our kid just turned three last month and we decided to take him on a day out to the local track to see how he does in karting. I mean his father is a Formula 1 World Champion after all so the kid might have some motorsport genes in him.

Like we agreed, we moved to Osaka upon the end of Sana's contract with JYP. We have been living the low life, completely under the radar of all the media. This was what I always wanted, no nuisance from the media and paparazzis, just me and Sana and our lovely child Ethan together as a happy family. 

Looking at the rear view mirror, I saw my child Ethan fast asleep in the back seat. I looked over to Sana sitting in the passenger seat and grabbed her hand to hold it. I have it all, I am married to Sana, the love of my life and we have a kid together. Finally everything seems to be going fine. Nothing could separate us at last.

Arriving at our apartment, Ethan was still fast asleep which was very cute. I mean he is half me and half Sana so there is no doubt about where he got his cuteness from. But anyways after an exhausting day we have to wake him up.

Y/N: Ethan darling, we're home go take a bath and get ready for dinner.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a figure cooking dinner. Sana is really the perfect wife. She is cute and very caring. Have I also mentioned that she is a really good mother. She takes care of Ethan when I am off to work at the factory. I went to Sana and hugged her from the back while she is cooking.

Y/N: Thank you Sana, thank you for everything.

Sana: Aah, what do you want Y/N?

Y/N: You (smirks).

Sana: Not now, Ethan is awake and I have to prepare for dinner.

Y/N: Anyways, I am really thankful for everything you did to this family, very thankful that we have crossed paths in our respective lives. I really love you Sana.

Sana: I love you too Y/N.

Suddenly at that moment, Ethan walked in. Ugh kids, I mean I love Ethan but sometimes kids can be annoying. Why did we have them in the first place? 

Ethan: Papa, is this you?

I saw Ethan with a photo in his hand. It was a photo of me when I won the Formula 1 World Championship with Mercedes in 2016. I still remember that race. It was in Abu Dhabi and Sana was there, we have only just met back then. 

Y/N: Yeah that is me in 2016, when I won the Formula 1 World Championship.

Ethan: Wow you are so cool papa. I want to be like you one day.

Y/N: Then you need to do well in karting, did you like karting today?

Ethan: Yes I had so much fun.

This is my life now. Nothing special, just an average life as the CEO of Sanatozaki Motorsport. Living in our lovely apartment in Osaka with my own family. Looking at the photo that was taken back in 2016, I could not believe how far me and Sana has come. If you asked me back then in 2016 will I be married to Sana and have a kid with her, I would probably said no to you. But here I am, married to Sana and have a kid with her. Just look at how much things have changed and happened.

Think back, I was really happy everything has happened. I was thankful for Tzuyu dragging me to that party with Twice in 2016 because if that hadn't happened I would not have met my wife Sana. I was also thankful for all the terrible things that separated me and Sana, thankful that Jennie was there to try and ruin my life. Because without those separation I would not learn the importance to treasure Sana and without that crash I would not know that the person I truly love is actually Sana. It has been a tough journey to where I am at now, but it was surely a journey that I am happy that I was onboard for. Without this journey I would not have been here, happily married and have a kid that idolises me who wants to be a Formula 1 World Champion like his father.


So that's the end of the story. I can't believe this story has finally ended. It feels like only yesterday that I started writing this book. Turns out it is a happy ending. Sorry for those who voted on sad ending or wasn't expecting this ending.

Thank you so much for all the support you have given me and thank you to all the ones who have been on this journey with me. As of now we have 6.5k reads which was not what I expected to reach when I first started writing this book. So thank you very much for each and one of you readers reading my book.

I can here announce that there will be a book 2 to this story so please do stay tuned for that. I am hoping that book 2 will be released before the summer ends so keep checking my profile and announcements.

Finally, now that this book is completed, I will go back to updating Trequartista Across The World, so please do go check that book out. I would really appreciate your support for that book. 

Not going to lie, I am a bit emotional but I guess everything good has an end and it is the same with this book. However, this is not goodbye, I will see you in my other books so be sure to check them out as well.

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