Chapter 14

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It's been two months since that big argument with Tzuyu. I'm now packing and getting ready to head to Taiwan to meet my family for Chinese New Year. Oh god how am I going to face Tzuyu after that big fight. Sure we have had fights when we were kids but we would forgive each other very quickly. I have not been talking to her or even met her once since that day. Is she still mad at me for breaking her Sana unnie's heart? What would our parents and extended family think when they feel the tension between me and Tzuyu?

Many thoughts were going through my mind and I was definitely spacing out during the ride to the airport until someone kept tapping me. 

Jennie: Y/N, Y/N, we are here. Are you ok? You spaced out.

Y/N: Oh yea, I'm good just a bit tired cause I woke up early to pack. Thanks driver. 

I walked into the airport with Jennie as she demanded that she want to come with me to the airport. I hope I'm not in the same flight as Tzuyu as I am not ready to face her just yet.

Tzuyu POV

Receptionist: Hello welcome miss, where are you heading to today?

Tzuyu: Tainan.

Receptionist: Please can I have your passport and put your luggage on the belt.

Receptionist: Here is your boarding pass miss, your seat would be 5G. Boarding gate is gate 40 and the boarding time would be 15:20. Have a nice flight.

Tzuyu: Thank you very much.

Now that's the annoying airport hassle done, I could really do some rest. I hate travelling because of check ins and all those security stuff. Already at this point I am not in a good mood because I just had to deal with all the annoying pre travelling stuff. I was wondering what could make my day even worse until I saw.....

Is that Y/N? With Jennie? What is that disgusting Jennie doing here? Oh please don't tell me we are on the same flight. I hope he didn't see me, they are currently the last person I wanted to see. Oh god I think he saw me, I quickly looked away and continued my duty free shopping and pretended to try and pick a gift for mom. 

After all that annoyance, it was time to board the plane. I quickly found my seat and sat on it and relaxed. The plane was quite empty at first, but as people start building up. I wonder if there was anyone going to sit next to me. Even though it is first class and there is a lot of space between me and the person next to me, I still like to have the seat next to me empty as I don't like flying at all. I waited and waited, looks like everyone boarded and nobody is sitting next to me. As it looks like boarding was about to complete, someone walked onto the plane and came to sit on the seat next to me. 

???: Oh hell no, is this seat 5D?

I looked over and can't believe who I saw. Y/N.

Tzuyu: Tch can't u read.


I can't believe how unlucky I was. On the same flight as Tzuyu who was clearly still mad at me and to make things even worse, I am sitting next to her. I better keep my mouth shut the whole flight or else she will probably slap me again. 

During the whole flight, nothing really happened. Me and Tzuyu did not make any sound at all, we even had the separation board closed during the whole flight so we have some privacy. Even after landed we took our separate taxis back home. 

Almost as if on cue our taxis arrived home at exactly the same time and our parents are waiting for us outside the house. 

Mom and Dad: Tzuyu, Y/N. Welcome home

Y/N and Tzuyu: Hello mom and dad. 

Dad: Why are you both in separate taxis when you both are on the same flight, did you not see each other on the plane?

Y/N: No, I'm a bit tired so I'm going to bed.

Tzuyu: Me too.

After that, we both walked into our room and never came out.

A very short chapter today cause I don't really have time since I have a big essay due soon. 

Also this chapter is a buildup to the next chapter so it's a bit short. Hope you still enjoyed it. Comment on what you think about this short chapter. 

Thank you for all your previous support and please continue to read and vote for this book. Your support and voting is my motivation to ditch all my school work and write this book. I will try to update another chapter tomorrow and then after this week I will probably be too busy to update regularly. 

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