Chapter 18

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Jennie POV

I woke up early cause I decided to visit Y/N and cook him a good lunch. I need to be on good terms with Y/N if I want him to follow my demands and stay with Mercedes. So for this upcoming week I am going to make sure I become the best girlfriend Y/N has ever experienced.

As I arrived at his apartment, I knocked on the door and nobody answered. I kept knocking but there was no one answering. I was pretty sure nobody was inside until I saw someone pop up out of no where. 

???: Who are you and what are you doing here outside my house?

Jennie: Do you not know me? I'm THE Jennie Kim. Also this is Y/N's house.

Tzuyu: Tch, well I'm THE Chou Tzuyu and I live here with Y/N if you don't know

Jennie: Whatever, I'm going to surprise my boyfriend with some nice lunch so whoever you are please shoo.

Tzuyu: Well good luck on that, my brother is off to Italy to sign a new contract with a new team. He won't return until next month. 

Once I heard that, I dropped my groceries. I can't believe it and I can't let it happen. Once Y/N signs for this new team, our collaboration would be gone and all the fame and hits that YG has gained will be completely gone. I need sort this out with YG and I need to do this quick. I ran down the apartment and hailed a taxi really quickly. 

As I arrived to the YG headquarters, I ignored everyone's greeting and headed towards YG's office as quickly as I can and without hesitation, I barged into his office. 

YG: Jennie, what brings you here today.

Jennie: We have a problem, it's about Y/N.

YG: What's up with Y/N?

Jennie: He's off to Italy to sign for a new team that means our collaboration will end and it will ruin our comapny.

YG: Relax Jennie. You are the queen of YG for a reason. Our collaboration with Mercedes will continue. As for yours and Y/N's publicity. Well it's died down recently and we will need some new stories to promote our company. It's good you brought this up.

Jennie: And what is it?

YG: Well I need you to be in the 2018 dispatch new couple. With Kai. 

Jennie: Like Kai from EXO?

YG: Yes, I have spoken to SM entertainment about it and they have agreed to it. Once this is out we will get all the fame and hits on the internet we want. Hence, I need you to break up with Y/N.

Jennie: I don't know if I can do that. I really love him.

YG: Either break up or leave YG.

Jennie: Ok boss.

YG: I will tell Koreaboo to post about your breakup. They might ask you for details so just make up some random reasons and do not tell them about Kai.

After the meeting my heart has sank. I really have no choice but to break up with Y/N. Why does this have to be like this. I just want Y/N all to myself but now I have to break up with him or I lose my job. Ugh, guess I will just have to break up with him since I don't want to lose my job. Maybe I can make Kai my new boy toy. Actually coming to think of it, this might not be so bad after all. I'll break up with him over text.

Meanwhile in Maranello, Italy


Mattia Binotto: Sign on the dotted line and welcome to your new team Y/N.

Y/N: Grazie Señor Binotto for giving me this chance. 

I was currently in the Ferrari factory, signing a contract with Ferrari. Nobody knows this yet apart from my family. I was much happier now since I could be released from that marketing scandal where I help YG gain popularity in the motorsport industry. If I was honest, I didn't really love Jennie with all my heart and I started to grow out of her ever since YG introduced this new marketing strategy that involves me and Jennie. 

Charles Leclerc: Right Y/N smile, let's get this on camera. 

Currently my good friend Charles has my camera prepared to take a photo of me signing a contract with Ferrari so I could post it on Instagram.


Charles Leclerc: Y/N your girlfriend messaged you. I don't think you will like it though.

I quickly snatched the phone away from Charles so I could see what Jennie sent me. 

After seeing the message, I don't know why but I don't feel heartbroken at all

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After seeing the message, I don't know why but I don't feel heartbroken at all. In fact I felt relieved. Maybe it's because I don't have to be caught in the middle of YG and Jennie promoting BLACKPINK and displaying affection in public with Jennie for publicity. Maybe it's because I didn't love Jennie with all my heart. Whatever it is, I felt sort of happy now that I am not tied with Jennie. 

Charles Leclerc: Sorry bro, but come on you're now in Italy let's go have a coffee and check out some Italian girls. Maybe you'll fall for them.

Y/N: Sure let's go.

I wonder why did Jennie break up with me so suddenly. I was going to call her and ask but she told me she doesn't want me to find her anymore. I am so confused right now and can't decide which is the correct decision to make. I decided to ask Charles to give me some advice.

Y/N: Charles, you saw the messages right?

Charles Leclerc: Sorry bro, I didn't mean too.

Y/N: It's ok, but Jennie said to never find her again. Should I call her and ask her the reason for the breakup?

Charles Leclerc: Bro that's not a good idea, calling her means you want to get back together. This will give her all the power so just forget about her and pretend you don't know who she is even if you see her on the streets.

So Charles said I shouldn't call her cause that will just give her the upper hand. Jennie is already quite a dominated women and very powerful. I don't want her to get more dangerous so I decided to follow Charles's advice and completely write her off my life. 

Another double update. Got nothing to do so why not continue writing my book. If you didn't know I am a big Charles Leclerc fan so I've decided to give him a role in this story. Charles if you're reading this please hmu on the dms lol. I'm not a fanboy just passionate.

Once again tell me your thoughts on this book. And don't forget to vote on this chapter.

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