Chapter 33

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Jennie POV

It has been a few months since Y/N got into the accident and he still haven't woken up yet. This isn't good for my plan. Because my new plan requires him to be awake. Honestly at this point I don't care about Y/N anymore, but I have to pretend that I care for money. 

Even though Y/N was still in a coma, he was transferred back to Seoul from Japan as his situation is now stabled. This has allowed me to be closer with him and I have made sure that the doctors contact me as soon as Y/N wakes up. 

It was a very chilled Sunday in the BLACKPINK house and suddenly my phone rang.

???: Hello is this Miss Jennie Kim?

Jennie: Yes this is she.

???: This is Seoul National University Hospital, we just wanted to inform you that Y/N has just woken up from his coma.

Jennie: Ok thanks. 

This is brilliant news, Y/N finally waking up. Hopefully he has dementia and forgets about everything. I quickly got readied and headed to the hospital, I need to arrive and meet Y/N before his family and more importantly, his girlfriend Sana arrives. This is a game of whoever arrives first and meets Y/N first can decide Y/N's life.

I arrived at the hospital, asked for Y/N's room and saw the doctor are the only person in the room. Phew, nobody is there yet which means Sana and Tzuyu haven't came just yet. Now I can regain Y/N's trust and get what I want. Since the doctor was here, I have decided to chat with the doctor to see what is Y/N's current condition.

Jennie: Doctor, how is Y/N?

Doctor: The patient just woke up from the coma, he has suffered from dementia so he might act like a different person. Also, the brain damage has caused him to lose part of his memory.

Jennie: What could I do at this point then?

Doctor: We suggest the people that are close to him, friends and family, to tell him stories about his life and see if he could get his memory back. He should be discharged by next week.

Jennie: Thank you very much doctor.

Perfect. Y/N has dementia and memory loss so he has probably forgotten about him dating Sana. Let me go talk to him so I can drag his memory and our memories back. 

Jennie: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Who are you, why are you here?

Jennie: Do you not remember me?

Y/N: No just tell me who you are.

Jennie: I'm Kim Jennie, your girlfriend. Is this bringing back some memories?


I just woke up like 30 minutes ago and now I am greeted by this girl named Jennie who claims to be my girlfriend. I don't even know where I am at right now and what happened to me. But if she say she's my girlfriend then she is my girlfriend. I don't have any memories about who my girlfriend is. She looks pretty trustable so if she says she's my girlfriend then she's my girlfriend. From now on I will trust her. 

Suddenly, my mom and my sister Chou Tzuyu came into the room shouting.


Y/N: Argh, yes mom. Get off me. 

Tzuyu: What is this piece of garbage doing here.

Jennie: Well unlucky for you Tzuyu, he lost his memory and I am now Y/N's girlfriend.

Tzuyu: You evil b****. Sana is his girlfriend and you know very well that is the fact.

My sister Tzuyu and Jennie started to have an argument. It was getting very noisy, I don't like this. This is too much for me to handle. I don't even know what they were arguing about because my mom was busy asking me if I'm fine or not. Why does she look worried and stuff. I covered myself with a blanket to try and shut up the arguing. It was working for a whole when Tzuyu shouted.

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