Chapter 7

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Sana POV

After the break up, I decided to walk along Han River before heading back to my dorm. Even though I feel very sad but at the same time I feel relieved. It feels like there is a big weight being lifted off me. I needed some alone time to process what Y/N said.

He said that he will wait for me. Is this true or is he just trying to be nice and say nice things to me to keep me happy? Many things are going through my mind until I saw a familiar figure very far away.

Sana: Is that Y/N?

Yes that is Y/N why is he here, I need to leave. But why is he sitting with a girl? The girl has disguise on her and she seems to be comforting him.

At that moment, my heart sinked. How can he do this to me? He literally just said that he loves me and he will wait, the next moment he goes and find some random girl and flirt with her. I ran away crying and got back to the dorm as soon as possible. After I arrived to the dorm, once again I ran straight to my room and locked myself in there. Like last time I hear the members greet me and tried to talk to me but I declined. 

Momo: Hey Sana, how did it go?

Mina: Momo leave her alone can't you see she's crying. 

Jihyo: Do we need to comfort her again?

Jeongyeon: No I think this time we just leave her alone. She's obviously sad after breaking up.


Not going to lie, I thought I was going to be fine after Sana breaking up with me cause I kind of expected it after Koreaboo leaking our relationship. However, I felt devastated and I don't know why. I only acted like it was fine in front of Sana because I didn't want to cry in public. I need a breather, I'm going to go walk around Han river.

When I arrived, the place was calm not barely anyone was around. This is the perfect atmosphere to let everything out. I stood on the edge of the path facing the other side of the river and gave a loud scream.

After that I heard someone call me.

???: Y/N?

I turn around and saw a girl wearing a cap and mask.

I turn around and saw a girl wearing a cap and mask

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Y/N: Hi?

???: Oppa, how are you?

Y/N: Oh Tzuyu what are you doing here?

Tzuyu: I was just here doing my morning walk, how about you.

Suddenly I started to cry. This is not good, I have lived with Tzuyu for 17 years and she has never seen me cry before. I think this is the first time she saw me cry.

Tzuyu: It's ok oppa, let it out.

Y/N: Sana broke up with me and even though I was expecting it, I still can't take it as well as I thought. Why does this have to happen to me.

I continued crying on Tzuyu's shoulder, I look so weak right now. Hope nobody saw this, if the press get's hold of this I am finished.


Sana POV

I was crying on my bed for so long and I must have fell asleep crying cause the next thing I know I was getting rocked by Jihyo in bed.

Jihyo: Sana wake up, it's time for lunch.

I decided to get out of bed and walk back to the living room to prepare for lunch. If I am honest, I don't think I could eat anything at this moment. Then the door opened.

Nayeon: Oh Tzuyu, just in time for lunch.

Sana: Tzuyu you went out?

Tzuyu: Yes I went for my morning walk in Han river and I saw Y/N too.

Sana: I don't care

Tzuyu: Why?

Sana: He doesn't truly love me.

Tzuyu: That is not true, l talked to him today.

Sana: You did? Tell me everything.

And that's chapter 7. It's a bit shallow I think cause I wrote it when I'm bored in class. I am now back at school so I don't know when will I update next. I will try and spend as much time on this as I can without failing my high school senior year haha.

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