Chapter 36

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I kept looking at the photo, trying to remember something but my brain is not letting me remember anything about the girl in the photo. My head hurts every time I try to think, but I just can't stop thinking about who that girl is. I decided to do something risky and ask my mom and Tzuyu about the girl in the photo. Maybe they will know who she is.

Y/N: Who is this girl?

Mom: This girl was part of you life before, who this girl is doesn't matter as long as you are happy. You might remember her soon or never but just don't worry about it. 

Well that didn't help me much. What does she mean that she was part of my life before and she doesn't matter now as long as I am happy now. This thing has just gone more confusing than before, typical mother's making things more complicated that it was. If had the ability to remember who that girl is I wouldn't have asked her. Suddenly Tzuyu came out of nowhere screaming.

Tzuyu: Mom, why didn't you tell him for gods sake. You are ruining Y/N's life.

Mom: Tzuyu darling, your brother has been through a lot, just let him be.

Tzuyu: If you aren't telling him, I will tell him.

This is very confusing, what is going on now. Why are my mom and Tzuyu arguing with each other about telling me something. What do they have to tell me and why won't they just tell me. This is getting worst, my head starts to hurt with the argument that they were having. 

Tzuyu: Y/N this girl is......

Y/N: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT (shouts).

After that I ran into my room and decided to lock myself there so I could get away from the arguing. I lied on my bed with my head still hurting, something is coming back to my brain about that girl but my head hurts so I decided to force myself to not remember it. But I just can't my head keeps hurting as my mind keeps coming up with flashbacks about me and that girl.


It was 2019 and I was at the car park of some big concert venue going to get my car, ready to head back home after an exhausting day when I saw a bunch of paparazzis and people surrounding my car. I was confused and scared at the same time. I can't face all the media and paparazzis alone. Suddenly, out of nowhere I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Looking back I saw a girl, she looks like the girl from that photo. 

Y/N: Ahh!

???: Shhh pabo, do you want to attract them, come with me we will take you home and avoid the paparazzis.

I followed this girl as she grabbed my hand and ran across the parking lot as we try to get away from the paparazzis avoiding attracting any sort of attention......

Flashback End

Wait, that girl was my girlfriend. That's why her photo is in my wallet. I always keep a photo of my girlfriend in my wallet, I have been doing this since the first girlfriend I had when I was still in high school. Ugh, but I can't remember her name. This is confusing, Jennie say she is my girlfriend but it's not her photo in my wallet. So who is actually my girlfriend, is it Jennie or this girl whose name I can't remember. I need to remember this girl, but I just can't, the confusion and my headache is getting worse. Argh, why does this have to happen to me at this moment?

Tzuyu POV

Y/N ran back to his room covering his ears and slammed the door much to mine and my mom's surprise. That is not the Y/N I know. I think this argument and remembering about Sana is putting so much pressure on Y/N. The doctor said that he has been suffering from dementia which means that he will act weirdly from time to time. 

Actually why do I care about his dementia or whatever disease he is currently suffering? I need to tell him about Sana and I need to tell him now. Jennie is just going to ruin his life and I need to stop this as soon as possible. I took the spare key to his room and unlocked his door. I decided to barge into his room because I need to separate him and Jennie as soon as possible before something bad happens to Y/N.

Tzuyu: Y/N I don't care about your current state, if mom doesn't tell you the truth I will, you need to know it before something bad happens to you.

Y/N: I'm so confused, I always have a photo of my girlfriend in my wallet, why do I not have a photo of Jennie in my wallet. 

Tzuyu: First of all, Jennie isn't your girlfriend, she's the jealous ex girlfriend whose trying to ruin your life so you need to leave her right now......


Tzuyu:...... so that's what happened. I'll leave you to it.

After listening to Tzuyu tell me all about the reason behind why I was hospitalised, I was shocked. All my memory seemed to come back at once, but at the expense of my head hurting once again. I completely forgotten about the crash I had in Fuji, which seemed to be the cause of all these confusion as Tzuyu explained it. 

I really need to cut ties with Jennie. Tzuyu explaining everything to me was a wake up call to me that Jennie is not a lucky charm for me. Suddenly, I remembered how she made me lose the World Championship with Mercedes in 2017, announced me as gay when I'm not in 2018 and exposed my personal details to the public in 2019. All these stuff that she has done to me seems that she is trying to ruin my life in purpose. 

Also, I need to sort out this Nikita Mazepin thing too. Jennie recommended him to me for Haas, if anything goes wrong, I have to take the full blame for it and my future in Formula 1 and motorsport will be completely finished. I quickly grabbed my laptop in full panic mode to see if I have accidentally trusted in Jennie and hired a driver who is ineligible for a Formula 1 drive.

Tzuyu: What are you doing?

Y/N: I trusted Jennie too much and I might have placed one of her friend in a Haas F1 drive for 2021, I need to google this person.

Tzuyu: YOU DID WHAT (shouts)?

Y/N: Shouting doesn't help alright, just leave me alone (annoyed shouting).

As Tzuyu left, I quickly googled Nikita Mazepin. He came from a really rich family and his dad's company Uralkali is currently the title sponsor of Hitech Grand Prix's Formula 2 team. He's been in GP3 and Formula 2 with ART Grand Prix. Placing himself 2nd in the 2018 GP3 season, and then got promoted to Formula 2 with ART for 2019 which he finished 18th but redeemed himself in his second season in Formula 2 with Hitech finishing 5th. The important thing is that he got a super license which means he is eligible to race in Formula 1. Also his lap times during the test with Mercedes AMG Petronas in 2019 were not bad despite the spin that got him beached in the gravel at Catalunya. Reading his stats, I gave a sigh of relief knowing that I have recruited an alright driver in terms of Haas F1 Team, even though people might not like his wealth and background, his results were alright so there's nothing I have to worry about.

That was until I saw a news article on google titled "That Nikita Mazepin Video"....... I decided to click on the article and have a look.

Y/N: Oh **** what have I done......

I wonder what did Y/N see on the article causing him to react like this? Guess we will find out on the next chapter.

Anyways now that football season and school are both officially over, I will have more time to write more. There will be frequent updates until 12th of June. Hardcore football fans will know why.

Finally, thank you very much for 5.5K reads. I can't express how important these milestones are for me. These little things are motivating me to keep writing this book. So if you want more chapters be sure to vote and continue your support for the book. I will see you guys in the next chapter.

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