Chapter 10

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My world is currently blacked out, where am I? Why am I here, what is happening? So many questions are going through my mind right now. I need to leave this place as soon as possible, I tried to move my body......


Suddenly I heard a voice coming from the same room. 

???: Trying to escape huh? There's no escaping

Who's this? Why has she kidnapped me? What does she want? If she wants money I can give her loads, I'll give her all my championship winning bonuses if she would let me get away from her and free me. I'm so scared right now.

Y/N: HELPPPPPPP (screams).

???: Nice try but nobody could hear your screams.

I heard her footsteps coming closer and closer to me. Then she started to untie my blindfold, once the blindfold was off me, I saw who this devil figure was.

Y/N: Jennie, let me go.

Jennie: Hah, you're hot but you're dumb. Do you know who I am?

Y/N: We literally just met now let me go.

Jennie: There's no way I'll let you go until I get what I want.

Y/N: What do you want.

Jennie: You (smirks). Now do you want the easy way or the hard way. Hot Stuff.

She started walking closer and closer to me, I am at the point of no escape no matter how hard I try, I kept crying for help even though I know nobody will help me. 

Y/N: Let me go...... Let me go......

Suddenly, I opened my eyes. Oh good that was just a dream, but what even was that dream. Such a weird dream, then I shook it off and took a look at my clock - 5:24am, then checked my schedules for the day and found out that I will be meeting Jennie Kim. Oh god, is that why the dream was here, was it forecasting what will happen later on in the meeting? This girl is seriously a devil that is going eat me alive one day. I tried to go back to bed, but I can't knowing that I have to meet Jennie later, I can't get myself to stop thinking about that dream I just had will happen in real life later......

Beep beep

I woke up to my alarm ringing and prepared myself to meet Jennie later. In my head I keep playing what she did to me in that dream. What happens if she actually tries to lock me up into a room and try to kill me. Oh well I have no choice but to meet her anyways since a promise is a promise and maybe she is actually a nice and cute girl. Who knows?

Time skip

Jennie POV

I was sitting at the coffee shop waiting for Y/N, ugh he's late. I don't like waiting, it is usually people who waits for me, I never wait for people. Just before I was getting impatient he walked in. Thank god I don't have to wait for any longer.

Jennie: Y/N over here.

Y/N: Oh hi Jennie.

Jennie: Seriously what took you so long.

Y/N: Umm..... traf...... yea traffic was pretty bad (stutters). 

Haha, he's cute when he stutters. He can't just be hot at one moment and then act all innocent and cute the other. I want him even more now.

Whilst having our coffee, we kept chatting about our lives in general. I don't really know much  about racing drivers but I want to know more about him. He seems like he has been to many many places. But during the talk I feel like he was a bit tense and difficult to open up. Is he playing hard to get? If he is it won't work for him anyways.

After our coffee date, we left the cafe and I deliberately didn't tell my manager to pick me up so she doesn't ruin my plan of visiting his house.

Jennie: I haven't got a ride back, could I possibly get a ride with you?

Y/N: Uh I guess?

Jennie: Great

Now that's the first part of the plan done, on with the second. As I pretend to make a phone call, I made sure that he could hear what I say.

Jennie: Hello Lisa, yeah I just finished my date...... What? You aren't home? I've not got keys. Are the other members home? What do you mean nobody's home. Ok never mind I guess I'll just walk around.

Ok now that he's definitely hooked, I can now ask the question.

Jennie: Ummm, this might be a stupid thing to ask but I've not got the keys home and nobody is home. Could I probably...... you know...... come to your house for a bit?


WHAT!? Jennie wants to come to my house? Oh god this means my dream last night was actually foreshadowing that Jennie will lock me up and do stuff to me. But why would she lock me up in my own house. I'm very scared and confused right now. I guess I have to accept because if I reject I don't know what will happen to me.

Y/N: Uh ok I guess?

And that's the chapter done. I'll just leave you guys hanging like this cause why not. Have a think if Jennie is going to do stuff to Y/N or is Y/N just being paranoid and keep thinking something bad is going to happen

Vote on this chapter if you like it, comment on what you think about this. I tried to add more of what the characters are thinking into the chapter. 

I just wanted to say thank you for all the support. Spread the word and keep supporting this book.

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