Chapter 32

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Sana POV

I arrived in Tokyo and without even thinking about anything went directly onto a car with Tzuyu. We didn't spare any time to check into our hotel and settle down first. We headed directly to Fujioyama Hospital where Y/N is currently staying. I need to get there before something bad happens to Y/N.

The video of his crash was trending all over social media and I have no choice but to watch it as it was on there every time I open social media. When I saw the crash, I was shocked, the crash was a very big one. The barrier was inside his car and the whole front end of the car was completely gone. Looking at the crash, I just hope Y/N comes out fine. It looked pretty horrific to me. Hopefully he is alright.

After a long drive, we finally arrived at Fujioyama hospital. There was 4 girls in disguise who was walking out with a few body guards. I wonder what are they, maybe some very famous celebrities from Japan have been hospitalised here as well. Anyways, I shook it off and headed to the reception with Tzuyu to ask for Y/N's room.

Sana: Excuse me, which room is Y/N currently in?

Nurse: Who are you guys?

Tzuyu: I'm his younger sister, can you please lead me to his room.

Nurse: Ok no problem follow me.

The nurse led us to Y/N's room when we saw a very lifeless looking Y/N lying on the bed. It was very sad seeing Y/N like that. He is literally holding on with a lifeline, I can't hold on to myself as tears started forming in my eyes. 

Doctor: Sorry I just need to check up with the patient. Who are you two?

Sana: I'm his girlfriend.

Tzuyu: I'm his sister.

Doctor: Weird, there was some other person who said she was his girlfriend.


Doctor: That's not important, anyways since you are here would you like to know about Y/N's current state?

Tzuyu: Please tell us.

Doctor: Y/N unfortunately suffered from a major concussion causing him to be unconscious after the crash. He suffered minor brain damage and have a high chance of getting dementia in the future. He has passed his danger phase so it's just up to him if he want to wake up. 

Tzuyu and Sana: Thanks doctor.

Sana: Doctor, can you please tell us who the other girl was?

Doctor: I don't know, the girl has disguise on so I can't tell.

After that the doctor left. I was still depressed but there's another thought in my mind, who was that girl who claimed he was Y/N's girlfriend, I thought I was Y/N's only girlfriend. No way Y/N won't dare to cheat on me, he loves me too much to cheat on me. Even if he did cheat on me, I still have to be with him during this tough time. He needs my support and companion right now so no matter what he did in the past or now, I will still be with him.

Tzuyu POV

It was the first time I've seen Y/N is this state. I have seen him involved in a lot of crashes and accident when he was younger, but this one is definitely different compared to the previous crashes. Normally when Y/N ends up in hospital after a crash he is always fine and still joking around with his usual happy self. This time it was different, there was no jokes laughs. Actually there was nothing, the room was very peaceful which was not like any room that has Y/N in it at all. It feels weird to see Y/N not break the silence.

The silence was broken by mom and dad barging through the door. They looked very worried and I don't blame them at all. I would be worried too if I saw my son lying on a hospital bed with machines surrounding him. I quickly gave my parents a hug to try and calm them down.

Mom: Tzuyu, sorry our flight got delayed. What's the situation now?

Tzuyu: He's fine according to the doctor, he has passed the danger phase so all we can do now is hope and wait that he will wake up.

Dad: Is that all?

Tzuyu: Well he suffered a brain damage so he might get dementia once he wakes up.

Mom and Dad: Thank god he is ok.

Tzuyu: Now that you are here, we should go get some rest. I'll come and check on Y/N tomorrow so you can rest.

Mom: Sure darling, we could do shifts.

Tzuyu: Call me when he wakes up.

Mom: Of course, go take a rest. Bye.

Leaving the hospital and going back to the hotel, I was wondering about something. The doctor said there was another girl who came earlier than us saying that she is Y/N's girlfriend. Y/N has another girlfriend? I don't think that is possible. My brother is a very loyal and honest person, he can't keep secrets, lie and certainly would not cheat without letting people know. So who is that mysterious girl? Maybe it has something to do with the four girls we saw leaving the hospital when we arrived at the hospital...... One of the body guards certainly look very familiar.

Time skip to arriving at the hotel

Finally settling into our hotel room, we can have a rest at last. But that thing about Y/N's mysterious girlfriend is still bugging me. It was certainly bugging Sana as well because she jumped over to my bed.

Sana: Tzuyu ah-.

Tzuyu: What's up?

Sana: You know the doctor said that there was another girlfriend?

Tzuyu: Yes, I find that strange too.

Sana: Do you think it's possible that Y/N... you know... is cheating on me?

Tzuyu: I don't think so, I know him too well. He can't even pull a little white lie let alone a big one like that. I think it had to do with those four girls we saw in the hospital.

Sana: The doctor said that she did have her face covered up.

The four girls we saw definitely looked a bit suspicious. But who are they, one of them look very familiar. I tried to do my best photographic memory to try and remember the details of what I saw. 

Suddenly I snapped, it was BLACKPINK. No wonder why the bodyguards look familiar. They are BLACKPINK's bodyguard. Wait...... BLACKPINK...... That means Jennie is coming back to do something. I don't like how Jennie has came to visit Y/N, while it is very nice of her to visit an old friend, but it is almost too nice of her. She is definitely taking advantage of Y/N when he is in a coma.

Tzuyu: I know who the other girl was.

Sana: Jinja? Who is it?

Tzuyu: They are BLACKPINK, and it can only mean one thing......

Sana and Tzuyu: JENNIE......

Sana POV

We both said it in unison. I thought Jennie was gone, but no she is back. This is not good because she is definitely to claim Y/N again. With Y/N having dementia as well, that means Y/N might forget about me, act weird and then dates Jennie. I need Y/N by my side, but I can't do anything because I don't control his brain. All I can do now is hope that Y/N remembers me.

Finally another update. Sorry for the slow updates as I have finals coming up. This story is coming to an end so I am trying to balance my studying as well as trying to finish this book as soon as possible.

How will Y/N act when he wakes up, actually will Y/N wake up. Nobody knows. Comment down below what you think will happen.

Thank you very much for 4k readers by the way. This is a big milestone and I am very happy to have reached this milestone. Please continue reading this book and vote for this book. 

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